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Nice to see Saturn now rising well before midnight

I'm hoping for a clear evening over the weekend, as Saturn is my viewing target, and I am determined!

Anyone any idea on what the forecast is for the weekend, although the Moon may well be too big and bright for any serious viewing sessions.

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No, not heard anything about that Vicky.

As for the weather, tonight looks like been the best night for been clear, theres some clear skies tomorrow night but the weekend at the moment is cloudy, lets hope that changes.

Saturn looked good through my scope the other night even though it was still very low when I looked at it.

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What's this about a meteorite coming down near Belfast this morning? Anyone heard anything? I've just caught the back end of a news report and I'm trying to find out a bit more info.

maybe it was this Vicky :)


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Yes, thanks for that Chris. I think that was what they were talking about.

The weather's not looking too good for the weekend. Might have to try for Saturn this evening, or I might be tempted to a trip out tomorrow evening if it looks like it'll be cLear enough, although the current forecast shows some cloud.

We'll see :)

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Yes, thanks for that Chris. I think that was what they were talking about.

The weather's not looking too good for the weekend. Might have to try for Saturn this evening, or I might be tempted to a trip out tomorrow evening if it looks like it'll be cLear enough, although the current forecast shows some cloud.

We'll see :)

yea, there might be an hour or 2 window tomorrow night but thats all.

Saturn rises at 22:18 tonight but the rest of the sky will be bright as the moon is at 89%

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The fire ball looked really impressive on the news report I saw and they are trying to pinpoint if it actually came down to earth?

As for the weekend weather yes it's a little mixed at present and with the moon up full will be planets and bright DSO's only

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i went out last night, just the back garden though.

I was knackered after the previous night having fire alarms going off in the hotel all night long and then driving back from London - but I was not wasting a clear sky!!!

Spent a bit of time on Jupiter and then moved on to the moon and did a bit of A-focal photography. I then got bored of the moon and decided to hunt out some globs. They stand up to light pollution and the moon quite well, although it does rob the ability to resolve them to the core. But bagged M3, M5 and M53. Also got NGC5053 and 5466 but they were very faint. Moving over to Hercules I got M13 and M92.

I was getting cold by this point and decided to see if it was possible to get a galaxy with Ossetts LP and the moon. Decided to try the whirlpool and pinwheel using my 16mm maxvision and baader neodymium filter. Being overhead avoids some of the worst orange glow and atmospheric distortion, although it is in the 'dob hole'. But there are advantages to having a powered dob!

Success!!! Very faint and no real detail, but you could see the cores of both galaxies in the whirlpool and hints of the outer edges, but the pinwheel was just a fuzzy core using averted vision. Without the filter, neither could be seen at all. Blummin good filter and its brilliant in my 32mm widefield, really blackens the background and cuts out a huge amount of the lp.



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Fedex bloke has finally turned up, with the package from FLO - a new flange so I can fit the Moonlite focuser to my ED80.

Skywatcher Evostar ED80 with stock focuser:

ED80 Stock Focuser

Swapping focuser:

ED80 Swap Focuser

Skywatcher Evostar ED80 with custom Moonlite focuser:

ED80 Moonlite Focuser

ED80 Moonlite Focuser

Looks pretty nice and should be much better than the stock focuser.

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Shall be plonking the 114eq in the back garden for a bit of mooning this eve mefinx. and see what happens when I introduce it to the canon g25. (*waves*)

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Shall be plonking the 114eq in the back garden for a bit of mooning this eve mefinx. and see what happens when I introduce it to the canon g25. (*waves*)

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Is that Mr. coyles I see?

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*shhhhh* might be... ;)

Finally got our first scope - stuck with the pants came-in-the-box eyepieces for now. Ditched the tripod and slapped the EQ mount on my main video camera tripod so all relatively stable at least. Stock one was wobbly as hell to say the least.

Shall be showing our faces in the not-too-distant...!

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Many happy returns to Sam Baker. Hope you got some astro-gear-type pressies ;)

Might have a go at the moon myself this evening if it is clear - Nick and Ryan, your images are fab!

Oh, and hi Marci, sounds like you are having fun with your new scope already :)

Nearly forgot - very nice bit of kit Matt!

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