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Hello from South Yorkshire


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Hi there. I don't even have the telescope yet, so I will start with a question rather than an introduction.

How long do telescopes usually take to be delivered when ordered from FLO? I placed my order on Friday, 14th December, and I am wondering if I will see it before Christmas.

Thanks in advance


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Hi there. I did ask, yes, and I was sent a ticket, which still goes unread. The order has only reached the point 'Payment Recieved' which is understandable as it has only been three days, most of which was the weekend.



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Hello again. The telescope arrived yesterday, but I am unable to open it. This is because it isn't actually mine, it is a Christmas gift for Secret Santa. I'm sure the person who it is for will be delighted to find that it is his Christmas present this year. I suppose it would be wise to point him in the direction of this helpful forum.

Thanks to everyone for your help, and thanks to Steve for the great telescope and fast delivery.

Now to save up for my own... :rolleyes:


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