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A Bit Of A Surprise When I Opened "Practical Astronomer"


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They had published a picture I had sent them. :icon_jokercolor:

Its at the bottom left on page 64 - Flame and Horsehead nebs.

Some of the detail has been lost in the "crunching" down to fit the space , but who cares its my first published image since I started imaging at the start of 2007. Thanks to everyone who has given me advice on this forum.


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Congratulations John I have seen the picture posted on here and it was superb. I must get a subscription sorted for this mag, I saw it on a stand at Kelling Heath and thought it was very good with in depth articles.



I find the magazine excellent and many of the articles have practical suggestions for improving your observing , imaging and just as important processing techniques. This months ( Dec) has articles on autoguiding and collimation.


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Brilliant , is yours the comet image above mine?


It's a widefield of Holmes next to Melotte 20. Not a patch on yours which really stood out. I forgot to give them the image details but it was just a Canon 350d with 75-300mm lens. Typically 2 days after sending it the conditions were miles better and I took a much better one :icon_jokercolor: not complaining though :rolleyes:

My girlfriend nearly barfed when she read the blurb I'd attached to it :embarassed:


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