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New member - Must get into this

The Wildman

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Ive always been fascinated by the heavens above.

I 'look up' when ever it is clear, but mostly at Ursa Major and Polaris.

I never get bored looking at them, and being completely overwhelmed at what we can see.

Daytime cover us with sky, but at night the cover comes off (sometimes, in UK) and a whole new view is on display, but with such vast incomprehensible distances that are impossible to comprehend!

I ave been a follower of the ISS (International Space Station) for a few years now, and often look out for other man made satellites on their way past.

But I've decided that i must start to learn about the universe in more detail.

I realise that a lifetime would only allow one to scratch the edge of the surface, and at nearly 50 it is not as easy to remember what I take in, but the urge to learn more about what can be seen is a must or me now.

I do have some really nice binoculars [10*50] but they shake about too much and are not much good for astronomy.

I have been looking at buying a telescope.

Im amazed at the cost required to get a half decent result, so will have to save up for something useful.

I'll probably be willing o spend around £400 or so.

I know very little indeed about astronomy or telescopes, so welcome your advice and ideas.

Ive looked at a few websites to try to ascertain what could be useful, and have in mind something like the:

Skywatcher 127 Maksutov with Synscan

Does this sound like a good enough piece of kit for viewing Jupiter and it's moons, saturn, mars etc.

Im in southern UK.

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Welcome to SGL.

The 127 Mak is a great scope for viewing and imaging solar system targets, but if you're interested in imaging galaxies and nebulae too then I'd recommend you have a read of Steve Richards "Making Every Photon Count" before you buy anything.


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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

Im looking forward to trying to see the 2012 DA14 asteroid on Friday.

I read about it in the Telegraph newspaper. I have the 'Patrick Moore 2013 yearbook of astronomy'.

It has a little bit about it in there with a chart showing its anticipated track and times.

It says to watch out for it from about 18.45, but other charts and info I've seen say that it wont appear until about an hour or so later.

Will I be able to see it with the naked eye and or my 10*50 Opticron binoculars?

Are you guys planning on viewing it?

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A warm welcome fom me too! I'm a newbie myself having only bought my own Mak 127 a few weeks ago. I'm loving the learning, as well as the using of my new toy, and can thoroughly recommend picking the brains of all the others here, whose combined knowledge is not only truly encyclopaedic, but willingly and enthusiastically passed on. A word of warning though, your wish list will take on a scarily fast mind of its own. I just think, sod it! I'm a grown up so I can have what I like!

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Hi Wildman and welcome to SGL, you might find your 10x50 bins will be more use to you if use an upturned yard brush, with a protective cloth over the bristles, helps to take out the jelly wobbles. DA14 should visible through bins and if you have look at Chris Peat`s site "Heavens Above" there are details and a map showing it`s course, it is scheduled to cross your favourite target, Ursa Major between the pan and the handle from 21.30 to 22.00, enjoy your Astronomy :)


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Hello wildman welcome from another newbie:-) i have the 10x50 and the 15x70 binoculars and if im using the the 15x70s in the garden they can get hard to hold still so i drag the pc swivel chair out on the patio or deck chair :-)

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Hi Wildman and welcome - what's with the microphone avatar?


I am a musician, hence the Mic avitar.

I Sing and produce music. It has always been my main interest.

I guess im a sucker for complicated hobbies!

Why didn't I just settle for collecting stamps or beer mats or something?

oh, I know why. It would be boring! :grin:

Glad to be here, thanks everyone for your welcome input.

C ya

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