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Been discharged from my specialist following eye surgery.

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Saw my eye specialist the other day following my operations in August and September last year to remove a floater from my left eye. She gave me the once over and said everything is settled and healed now. Hurrah. It's official. I can now re-commence with my astronomy (clouds permitting). I will have to wear glasses permanently now, but at least that flipping irritating floater is gone now. It has been a long hard road with quite a bit of pain and 4 months partially blind, but things are finally on the up. Now all that remains is to give my C9.25-CG 5 combo it's first real outing since I got it. Yeahhhhhh!!!!

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Thanks for all your kind words. It does mean a lot. Since I discovered this astronomy malarkey and joined SGL, it has really made me realise that this is a very close knit community where everyone is looking out for everyone else. And also it is an amazing resource for finding out info whether it be about a new astro purchase or something completely random.

Once again. Thanks

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Hey Dunk,

You are right there. The great British weather, eh? True to form. Rubbish. As I type this there is snow falling outside. Grey, cold and miserable. It better start playing the game soon otherwise Spring and Summer will be upon us and that will be another astro season up the swanny :sad:

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Hey MarkSix. Thanks alot. I have attached the RDF to the tube and the saddle to the mount. All that remains is to connect everything together. Looking at everything separately it looks pretty impressive. When it is all put together it is going to look fantastic.I'll be doing the dry run indoors as the weather is terrible here at the moment. (snowing), but i'll guess you are used to that where you live????

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