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Hello from Cumbria (yes another one)


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Hello from Cumbria, I've just joined the forum and thought I'd introduce myself :)

I've always had an interest in astronomy, I owned a little refractor telescope about 15 years ago but never really used it that much. But a few weeks ago I bought a Skywatcher 130 Heritage and I'm determined to get into astronomy this time. I've downloaded most of the astronomy apps for my iPad and love just interacting with them :)

I used my new telescope properly for the first time last night and I was really pleased with what I saw. First I looked at Jupiter and I could clearly see the 2 bands and I could see 3 of its moons. Then I looked at the moon for a bit which is always stunning to look at. But the highlight of the evening was seeing Saturn! OMG I've never seen Saturn with my own eyes before, I had to wait till about 2.30am but it was well worth it. The rings were clearly visible and it was surprisingly bright too.

So that was my first proper stargazing night and I'm looking forward to the next one :)

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Hi Blueroom welcome to SGL, i love cumbria and will buy a house there one day but untill then can i stay in your spare room, garage, shed, or even a tent in the back garden. :grin:

sounds like you had a great first light, ive not had the chance myself yet to see Saturn and really cant wait i just might stay up for it tonight if its clear.

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Welcome to the SGL forum, and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Nice to hear some observing is underway, after all the horrible weather Cumbria has

been plagued with. Not just us of course, much of the UK has suffered.



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Welcome to SGL,

I spend half the week near Penrith at my girlfriends & i'm moving up as soon as i find work, so I know all about the lovely dark skies up there (well......thats when the clouds arnt hogging the view :mad: ) Congrats on Saturn, I was up at 4:30 this morning & saw the ringed planet myself for the first time & it really is breath taking :shocked: . You'll find alot of great advice here from very friendly & knowledgable people, so dont be afraid to ask any questions no matter how 'daft' they may seem to you, we've all been there.



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