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Hi from N E Hants - Feeling a bit silly...

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Hi everyone!

Well here I am, like a coiled spring, with my newly unpacked Skywatcher Heritage 130p, Barlow, Planisphere and TLAO on order - Stellarium on the computer and Star Walk on the iPad... All the gear and no idea! :rolleyes: I blame Brian May. I had decided on the Dob 200p, but my lady convinced me of the sense in starting small and proving interest first.

Obviously not a good night for the new hobby (well OK it has just stopped snowing), but I cannot wait to have a first look at the skies - and by the look of it I am not alone. There cannot be many left in the UK still to sign up!

I have always been interested in Astronomy in a loose sense. When I was young I used to lie on the grass on mid August nights counting the meteors and our satellites. Later I got myself a decent set of binos and 'found' Jupiter's moons by accident (the wonder). If I TV surfed into The Sky At Night, I would stop and watch it, however late. The physics interested me, but it did not occur to me that I could take part.

Well, Star Gazing Live has now made the subject approachable and has been the final straw that spurred me and many others on to the next step. It may have been Brian's suggestion of a starter scope...

I have a few questions lined up of course, but that's enough for now! Tony

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Hello and welcome to SGL. A ha the Stargazing Live syndrome strikes again. If I remember correctly Dr May suggested the Dobsonian scopes for a starter in the hobby. And that makes perfect sense to me, not only because I own one. But buying a decent Dob / reflector makes much more sense (financially) than going out and buying a much more costly say refractor etc. A good reflector will give years of great viewing and when its time to upgrade and you still have the healthy interest, you will know more about what you want to observe mostly and in turn what scope would fit your needs. Good luck.

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Thanks Paul. Early days for me, but I imagine that when the time comes to upgrade (kinda inevitable), my Dob 130p will still make a capable and portable option for trips. It is a great compact design and I am impressed with the apparent quality. Let's see! T

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