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Blown Away !

alan g

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Hi all.

I set up my new scope tonight at 5pm to cool down and when I went out at 6pm I managed to catch the moon just before it dissapeared over the other side of the house. WOW! the clarity of what i saw with the 25mm EP and 2 x Barlow lens that came with the scope just blew me away. I think I'm going to become obsessed with staring at the moon, I've looked at hundreds of pictures of it before now but to observe it with such clarity with your own eyes and scope is in another league entirely!

I then changed to the 10mm lens also supplied with the scope and got some very clear views of jupiter and her moons and again was seriously impressed. I am literally over the moon with my skywatcher Heritage 130P. Cant imagine what upgrading the EP's will do.

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Hiya, It sure is a great sight, it is worth buying a moon filter especially when its a full moon as the brightness can block some of the detail and also hurt your eyes, just remember to take the filter off when you move away from the moon :-)

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Nice to have you join SGL Alan. It is a grand place to further your Astronomy.

Nice little scope, and I'm not surprised the Moon has you excited.

Our near neighbour has a wealth of interesting detail to study, and you be further intrigued at how the features change as the phase waxes and wanes.

You won't ever tire of observing our satellite.

Best Wishes.


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Hello and welcome from me too - enjoy your scope :smiley: The Moon is a great target for viewing, always something different to see. Have you come across the lunar 100 yet - 100 features to spot. I'll try to find the link, but you'd probably find it by googling lunar 100.

It's here: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/objects/moon/3308811.html

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Hi Alan and welcome to SGL , sounds like u are well and truly bitten already! I'm a newbie too and would recommend browsing SGL where u will find so much to learn and so much friendly advise . People on this forum are so friendly and willing to help . Good luck with your new hobby , wrap up warm , find a seat and enjoy your nights under the stars, kev

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Hi Alan I applaud your enthusiasm and your report on the Moon, and how much you like your new scope, however, do you mind if I point out that you have now posted three times in the Welcome Section and this may cause some confusion with welcome messages being made more than once, have a look through the forum at the various sections, you will find many places where you can discuss your equipment or your nights viewing, enjoy your Astronomy, I am sure you will :)


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Yep. A plus one to the above.

Those two sights through a very similar scope were the first things that really got me hooked.

Whatever else you observe, those first images will be burned into your memory forever.

Its nice to read of someone who has just looked through a telescope properly for the first time, nice one. :)



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HI Alan and welcome to the forum. I have to say the moon is a really great object to view and although most people think they know what it looks like - it's not quite the same as when viewed through a scope! You might want to take a look at this in case any clouds come over your way because it will certainly keep you moon 'fix' going. :grin:

Continued clear skies and enjoy the forum


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