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Hello all, my name is Lee from Essex. Am reasonably new to Astronomy. I have attended a few Star parties with North Essex Astronomy Society for about a year now and this prompted me to purchase a pair of new Revelation 15x70 Binoculars, which I mounted on a second hand Slik 88 Black Diamond Tripod using a Revelation Heavy Duty Binocular L Adaptor. This has been a great little starter setup and I imagine these will be still used a lot after I purchase my first proper telescope. I have seen Jupiter easily through this plus all 4 Galilean moons. So have been happy with this purchase but I am now ready to buy my first scope. After much deliberation I have narrowed it down to a Dobsonian or a SCT and was about to buy a Skyliner-300P FlexTube Synscan Go-To but since Stargazing Live event I attended last Friday I am now having second thoughts and may get similar Dobsonian Telescope at similar price but the largest mirror I can afford without the Go-To. Any advice would be much appreciated. My interests are looking at anything in the night sky that gives me the wow factor. I may get into Astro Photography one day but I am not that bothered and I may add to my collection a Solar Scope one day. Anyway Hello Everyone. Lee

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Hi Lee, welcome to SGL :)

The 300 is a big scope. The advantage of all that aperture is you'll never run out of things to look at. Goto is not essential, finding things is half the fun and you'll discover other sights along the way. Browsing the sky on your way to something else can be very rewarding in itself. :)

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Welcome along Lee, we have a 10" Skyliner flex tube non go-to which is just about manageable for 1 person so my 17yr old can stick it outside for viewing alone as it suits and as the weather clears, anything bigger would need 2 people even when split, but i'd be tempted myself by 12", anything bigger would require a big jock strap and a few stitches for the hernia :laugh:

I think i'd go for the bigger mirror and find a way to work around moving it, difficult decision

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Hello Lee and welcome to SGL

10" scopes and larger are big beasts that get even bigger after a long nights observing when you've travelled and have to pack down a due sodden scope! Aperture fever is addictive and once you've seen M13 in a light bucket you'll be pleased you went big!

Clear skies ahoy

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

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Hi Lee and welcome to the forum. It's a lot of fun attended star parties and looking through folks telescopes, but there is always one bigger and the views they show are always seductive! :grin: Decide on a budget and bear in mind all the practicalities of owning a big scope and you will be fine - nothing wrong with a bit of aperture!

Clear skies and enjoy the forum


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The 300 is some scope for a first purchase!! As others have said it's on the limit of one person's ability to move it (37kg in total iirc), I'd be tempted to go with the none GOTO version and get yourself a set of nice EP's as the 300 will severly bring out the shortcommings in poor EP's...

All the best

Clear skies and all that jazz....

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