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Horse's Head in Ha - Atik 314L+


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Nice shot, though looks like you have a slight guiding issue or cam alignment issue as your stars are slightly elongated bottom left/ top right.

Thank you :) Yes, I noticed the elongated stars. Not sure what the problem is.
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Wthats terrific. Looks like I am going to have to get a camera also.

Thank you :) Yes, it's easier to take photos if you have a camera :D I have always been interested in photography of some sort or other since I was very little :)
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Was that with the Evo Gina? If so i assume its heavily cropped? its tight in there. Your certainly getting the swing of ccd now.

Yes, without FR/FF - I've yet to sort out how to use that with the 314L+, need to sort out adapters. No, it isnt cropped, that's the FOV with the native focal length of 600mm and that size camera.
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I think I've found the 4 20m subs masquerading as 10m ones as I've been right through many dozens of lights looking for them. I also took a set of darks of 20m. This is 4 lights and 11 darks stacked and adjusted in DSS and with level adjusted in PS, nothing more. Then saved as PNG for attaching here. Not cropped or resized.


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that's a nice, detailed image. I would be very happy with that one.


Thank you :) Yes, I am very happy with it :) I imagine I should be able to do better with a larger number of subs but I'm pleased with this result with just four. This is the longest exposure of subs I've used so far and feel reasonably pleased with the guiding even though there are some eggy stars. I very much doubt I've got the optimum settings for guiding :D
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