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Jupiter GRS Dec 12th.

Space Cowboy

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Nice image Stuart.

Very interesting that you described the seeing as ordinary, I had good seeing about that time, possibly the best this opposition. Though how good the data is I collected will only be known when I find time to process it...



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Cheers guys! Must be a location thing Chris. Maybe if I'd stuck the cold out a bit longer things would have improved more but I'd been imaging over 1 hour and the toes were starting to squeal despite 3 pairs of socks! Stars were twinkling like Xmas lights and between 22.30 & 23.30 I'd score seeing 4-5 moving up to 6 for this image.

Thanks to PIPP I've extracted some improvement. Chris I assume there is a de-noise filter working in PIPP as this image was much smoother despite stacking less frames.


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There is no de-noise filter in PIPP Stuart, so it is interesting you would find the image smoother with less frames. You have definitely got some more detail out with the second process, it is quite obvious when you flick between the images.

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Seeing aside this is a really nice capture and the second version is a marked improvement on the first. I really like the way you do your Jovian colours Stuart. You always get a really nice balance between orange and white belts. I always seem to end up with muddy browney red cloud belts on mine.

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Thanks! I don't do anything special with the colours. Auto WB on capture, auto rgb balance in registax and then in image analyser I've lately raised colour vibrance to 2 and then used colour noise reduction on max. I find the y800 captures are very colour noisy.

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I see Stuart, maybe i'm not processing in Regi properly but a few times when i have used RGB Align it seems to have done nothing but i tried it on a 3 X Drizzle Stack & it clearly improved it, is it only worth using RGB Align when certain artifacts arrise or use it on all the stacking you do ?

Just trying to find out if there is a similar set piece that's carried out regardless of data if you follow me.

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Cheers guys! Must be a location thing Chris. Maybe if I'd stuck the cold out a bit longer things would have improved more but I'd been imaging over 1 hour and the toes were starting to squeal despite 3 pairs of socks! Stars were twinkling like Xmas lights and between 22.30 & 23.30 I'd score seeing 4-5 moving up to 6 for this image.

Thanks to PIPP I've extracted some improvement. Chris I assume there is a de-noise filter working in PIPP as this image was much smoother despite stacking less frames.


I think im getting noiser, in my old age, im starting to prefer slightly noiser images compared to the super smooth versions. whats happening to me, im mutating.

I can see merits in both Stuart, infact i didnt really notice the noise untill you said, and posted the super smoothy. I can see it now. This mutation thing is worrying. what next back to 45 sec captures. and no blur but with snowflakes . We should give ourselves nicknames, ill become MR dandfruff. and you can be the cowboy. It all doesnt sound too flatering does it. second thoughts :cool: ill put the shades on before it gets noticed how unstable im becoming lately :grin:

I really do need some good seeing. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Hi Stuart that's a good image and some nice different takes on the same data through the post. I'm a natural no noise man myself (or at least I try to be) but what I like about SGL is that you get to see lots of different versions of images taken on the same evening each with their own processing and merits.

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