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Hi all, newbie form Brighton

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Hi, my name is Stefan and I live in Brighton with my wife and 2 kids. I have had an ETX90 for years but it just gathered dust as I was a bit disappointed with what I could do with it and it was eventually destroyed by the kids.

I am now trying to give it another shot and I want to give astro imaging a serious go after getting a call from my cousin who is also interested in the subject. I have started with the mount and just over a week ago I purchased an NEQ6. Whilst I am trying to learn to use that with my salvaged ETX90 OTA I am looking for an decent APO refractor, probably a triplet, 76-80mm. Any suggestions?

If anybody has any tips on good sites near Brighton I would be very grateful indeed.


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Welcome to the forums Stefan!

I would gladly help if I was more knowledgeable about astronomy and equipment etc, but I am not and am a newbie too haha. I am sure others will provide the help you seek, and I can see James popping in here soon, he is a very helpful fellow much like everyone here is. ;)

Clear skies, and happy hunting!

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Well you have certainly done your research and the NEQ6 is a very reliable mount and for its price is a great mount and will future proof scope purchase for some time to come. For anyone wishing to embark on imaging, Steve Richards' book, "Making Every Photon Count" is another useful research tool worth exploring if you haven't bought it already.

Clear skies for now and enjoy the forum


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Hi Stefan - if I were you, I'd get a medium sized newt to start with, like a SkyWatcher 200P... just get used to actually finding and seeing what's up there - keep browsing the forums and see what pics you like and learn a bit more about scopes, what to expect etc before blowing your wad on a small apo (which no doubt will eventually enter your armoury anyway, when you know exactly what you like and want). Go to your local AS and have a go with a few other people's scopes - saves a hell of a lot of money, lol

Oh - welcome :)

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Hi Stefan and welcome to SGL, have a look at Altar-Astro, there are some very reasonable doublets and triplets including the 115mm which received a very good review, for both visual and AP and would go well with your NEQ6, the scope is owned by a number of members on this forum. Dark sites, well I used to holiday in Newhaven just down the road. I can remember it being pretty black over the tops on the wide open grass areas, across which the public can roam, which lie between there and Eastbourne, could be a bit breezy on occasions, although there are many dips and gulleys where you could find shelter, enjoy your Astronomy :)


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