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Hello All, I ve just joined today so still finding my way around the site. I am a very keen if somewhat novice stargazer I own a 6in newtonian reflector non goto with a good selection of lenses ( 5mm, 8mm,10mm,25mm, 2xbarlow & 3x barlow). I also own a nikon D5000 DSLR with a spc900 webcam. I have had some amazing nights in the back garden and seen some amazing sights. I am now trying to improve my astro imaging and having some trouble in getting good images of jupiter etc, so any advice would be very helpful. :smiley:

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Ho bosun75 and welcome to SGL! Sounds like you have a nice set-up there. I am no AP expert, but I think that most images of Jupiter posted on SGL are taken with webcams. I'm sure a real expert will be along soon to advise you further. Cheers. CW

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Thank you all for the warm welcome. I am at sea at the minute on board a supply boat crashing and banging around 40 miles off the Norfolk coast its amazing what you can see outhere on a clear night. Looking forward to getting home and praying for clear skies and of course a nice cold pint.

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Hi bosun and welcome to the forum. Might be worth posting your question over on the imaging section as you are more likely to get a technical response to any imaging problems that you are experiencing. :smiley:

Clear skies and enjoy the forum


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