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This is my newest baby, a Televue 102 refractor.

Apologies for all the clouds that are sure to follow. Can't wait to get a good look at Joop through this baby.




As I have commited to observing for the time being and leaving the imaging until I have a more permanent base, this will likely be my weapon of choice....



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A really lovely scope Stuart - congratulations :smiley:

I thought I heard that Tele Vue were going to stop producing the 102 - or is that incorrect ?.

I've looked through many TV eyepieces but I've never had the pleasure of looking through one of their scopes - I must put that right someday !

I'll be looking forward to your first light report :smiley:

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Is that the Starbeam finder? Is it that much better than the other RDF's?

Hopefully your purchase will attract the clouds leaving Norfolk clear'ish :grin:


The Starbeam is a wonderful RDF but it is pricey and other finders do a good jb for a quarter the price. You can pretty much look at it from any location / distance and the red dot will be on the target as the lens does some magic to make it work that way.

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A really lovely scope Stuart - congratulations :smiley:

I thought I heard that Tele Vue were going to stop producing the 102 - or is that incorrect ?.

I've looked through many TV eyepieces but I've never had the pleasure of looking through one of their scopes - I must put that right someday !

I'll be looking forward to your first light report :smiley:

Yes the 102 is no more, this is an older one from the 90's



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