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Greetings from Lincs


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Hello all. I have just joined this forum after a few weeks of lurking in the background. After having slightly more than a passing interest in stargazing for many years (and seeing my mates Skywatcher 250) I decided to take the plunge and shell out for a scope of my own.

I bought a second hand Prinz Concord 450 catadiaoptric, which I discovered was badly out of collimation therefore producing aweful images, I decided that something more serious was needed. I found a nice pre loved TAL-1 for a very reasonable price, and after reading as many reviews as I could I went ahead and bought it. I have to say, the TAL-1 is a lot of scope for the money (less than £100) and a great beginners scope. It's easy to set up and use, and gives some pretty darn good views of Jupiter, but I have found that it's the eye pieces that spoil an outstanding scope. But, I am very pleased with it, all I need now are some clear skies!



PS, the Prinz is now much better, and gives very useable images.

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Hi Neil

wecome to SGL, you will find help and assiatnce here. We all live in hope for clearer skies, its not been very good has it. I think its cos i bought my first scope this year and that has put paid to any

good weather :huh:


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Hey guys, thaks for the warm welcome! I have been looking on Fleabay for some clear skies, havn't found any yet. Just as an FYI, I did manage to collimate the Prinz, but the image didn't seem to want to focus, so after playing with the secondary mirror, I found it was about 3mm to far away from the primary mirror, so after a "tweak - check - tweak - check" session, I think I've got it about as good as it's ever going to be. Ok, it's not in the TAL - 1's league, but it makes a nice lunar scope, and the Pliades look pretty good through it too. Looking forward to having a peek at Saturn, but it's not round my way until January 2013 :sad:



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Hi and welcome to the SGL. Very nice choice of scope though I wonder how long it will be before aperture fever bites and you are looking around for the next scope*? Happens to all of us.... :grin:

*The TAL would probably complement any large light bucket so you might not want to trade it in.

Clear skies,

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