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Watched Sky@night earlier on BBC4 and was disappointed when they were showing the visit to the star party. They were talking to the guys looking through their scopes and showing images of what they were observing and made no attempt to point out that these images were nothing like what was being observed but were AP images. The only time this was mentioned was when they showed the Hubble image of M1.

I fealt that this could easily have given newcomers the completely wrong impression and could have been easily avoided.

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Watched Sky@night earlier on BBC4 and was disappointed when they were showing the visit to the star party. They were talking to the guys looking through their scopes and showing images of what they were observing and made no attempt to point out that these images were nothing like what was being observed but were AP images. The only time this was mentioned was when they showed the Hubble image of M1.

I fealt that this could easily have given newcomers the completely wrong impression and could have been easily avoided.

True, but IMO a good programme nevertheless - the enthusiasm showed through.


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Yeah he mentioned cheap end to expensive end and did not mention it after that, uncle Patrick didn't look too good either, but still managed to come out with some great facts.

I agree Patrick looked very dour - he was very quiet. Very disappointing show this month.

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Watched Sky@night earlier on BBC4 and was disappointed when they were showing the visit to the star party. They were talking to the guys looking through their scopes and showing images of what they were observing and made no attempt to point out that these images were nothing like what was being observed but were AP images. The only time this was mentioned was when they showed the Hubble image of M1.

I fealt that this could easily have given newcomers the completely wrong impression and could have been easily avoided.

...totally agree

I thought on the whole it was a good show. I enjoyed it.

...me too
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Unfortunately for Stargazing Live, and in their defence, they really are over a huge barrel. Unless they pre-record all the content earlier in the year, which would make a mockery of the Live element, they are never going to stand any real chance of showing actual live stargazing. The weather for the two previous shows has been pretty awful, especially last year where there wasn't a clear sky in sight, only rain. The first show had some live solar observing from the States, which would be good again.

Haven't watched this months S@N, have that pleasure tonight. Very much looking forward to it. :)

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The weather for the two previous shows has been pretty awful
ISTR in the Jan 2012 shows there was plenty of clear skies. The programme had amateurs out observing but almost completely ignored them - preferring to carry on regardless so they didn't have to spoil their nicely worked out running order.
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Celestial G is an asterism taking in stars from several constellations to form a G.......why? No idea but uses Orion, Gemini and a couple others . Seems a bit wierd because I'm sure we could all come up with some letter or pattern if we looked up. Dead easy to see though so should be an easy tick off.

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Watched Sky@night earlier on BBC4 and was disappointed when they were showing the visit to the star party. They were talking to the guys looking through their scopes and showing images of what they were observing and made no attempt to point out that these images were nothing like what was being observed but were AP images. The only time this was mentioned was when they showed the Hubble image of M1.

I fealt that this could easily have given newcomers the completely wrong impression and could have been easily avoided.

I must admit i was thinking exactly the same thing when i was watching it. Still a good show though. It pointed out some nice things to try and find when we have some clear nights.

Well sir Patrick Moore is nearly 90 so it must be getting harder for him but it just shows its still what he loves too do!

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I can only recall some amateurs sitting in a field being totally frustrated by constant cloud, a town looking forward to their big street light switch off but all it did was rain continuously. Which was the same for our own Stargazing Live event down in the South, 3 days of constant cloud and showers.

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If Celestial G is a made up asterism then not surprised he has never heard of it.

Actually thought an asterism was a sub part of a constellation like the Plough is part of Ursa Major.

Making up a "new" constellation is just joint the dots really and there are a lot of dots.

How about the Full Stop Constellation? Just pick a brightish star.

Didn't see the program will look for a reshow of it.

Difficult to show what you see, they can only show an image and that tends to come out of a camera in fairness to them. Perhaps a few more clarifications that images displayed and what is observed will differ possibly quite dramatically. Equally there have been posts asking why what is seen doesn't match an image and that image is in the X-ray spectrum then process with a false colour regime.

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To be fair I feel it did a fine job.. and always tends to. You have to remember the show is pitched at all levels, but tends to be focused on 'New into the hobby' people. It has to be entertaining and informative.

Well done Sky at Night I say.


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I think the problem here is the Sky at night only gets a certain amount of Air time on the BBC to produce there program's, base that Air time over the year, it not very much for such a massive subject as Astronomy, I think they do very well considering, and you cant make everyone happy all of the time. As for Stargazers Live, as stated above you cant pre-record anything, it takes the Live out of Live, I think both programs are under pressure to convey as much meaningful information in the times they are alotted.

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Difficult to show what you see, they can only show an image and that tends to come out of a camera in fairness to them.

True but when i went to my local astronomical society they had a talk about starting in astronomy and all the pictures we looked at where all monochrome as to show beginners that you wont see colour through a telescope.

They could have done something similar but then i suppose its not as good as grabbing your attention so to speak.

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I can't say I've ever heard the term either and Google returns nothing that's relevant to astronomy.

I enjoyed the programme. It's just a shame it's on soooo late! At least it does get repeated several times at more reasonable hours.

Edited due to an embarrassing mistake!

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Can you get live view via a laptop from a DSLR? That would show what you see through a scope without imaging, and easily filmed. Never tried it!


Using NKremote for live view focusing with my Nikon, but there are a few other programs depending on what cameras they support.

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