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Large mosaic of the Cygnus region 35 Mp


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In the last few days I was able to finish my mosaic of the Cygnus region in H-alpha. I used 4 nights for this, partly because of shifting manually the field between exposures (using thesky6 to help me).

The images are made with a Canon 100mm lens @ F2.8, a geoptik adapter and my SXV-H9 camera.

I used the following strategy:

- Thesky6 was used to create a large mosaic with 20% overlap.

- Polar alignment was performed using my EQ6 procedure and aiming at the center of the view with nebulosity.

- Next NGC7000 was centered everytime in the same way and synced to create the same FOV every time.

- Than finefocus came in. This was tough as I only had 25 microns of critical focus zone. I used CCDinspector to check the flatness of the view, as this is the best indicator for good focus.

- Than I made 3x300s exposures for every tile, in total 42 tiles...

Here are the results. I will post the small versions with links to the large ones.

Here is the mosaic:


Full resolution (large file!)

Here is an annotated version with the most famous objects:


Full resolution (large file!)

Finally I made an image removing all stars just showing the nebulosity. It gives a 3D feel. I especially like the crescent which is hanging in space ...


Maybe I will expand it more later on, I will see...

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A remarkable image, quite amazing. Cygnus really is an amazing constellation, so much going on which you have captured in wonderful detail.

Really useful as an observing guide too, helps put things in perspective



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