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Hello from Cas Vegas!


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Hi All!

I've been interested in astronomy for a good while, but only recently (less than a month ago) got my first telescope. Looking around the net for advice I stumbled on this very helpful forum, so thought I would say hello. Well, it would be rude not to after I've already taken advantage of the great advice in some of the posts :) In fact I had my first success in astrophotography last night thanks to some of you lot!

So, thank you all in advance for answering the countless questions I will have, and thank you all for the answers I have already found ;)


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Thank you all for the welcome :)

Hi Joanne, welcome from the other side of the motorways!

Surely ye mean the wrong side of the motorway ;) Just kidding, I used to live in Wakefield, it's not that bad. Nightlife's a little...odd though hehe.

You "stumbled" well Joanne :smiley: This is by far the best astro forum around. In my fairly short time here I've found that all questions, however basic, are treated seriously and with respect.


Yes Jason, I agree! A friendly, non-condescending bunch of people! :)

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