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Hello from Suffolk!


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Hello all from the dark skies of deepest (well kind of!) Suffolk.

I'm not viewing yet but I'm picking up a nice new Skywatcher Explorer 200p on Monday. It's not goto, but I'm hoping this will give me the opportunity to learn the sky and I will have the chance to add motors to the mount in the future.

This looks like a very useful forum. I look forward to adding my two pence every now and again once I know what I'm talking about!


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HI Mark and welcome to the forum. It won't take to long to pick up the basics and although astronomy is not a difficult subject to learn - there is a rather lot if it! :grin: :grin:

You might want to think about downloading a free planetarium bit of software called Stellarium. If you haven't already looked you can see the details here. Lots of great features to help you learn the night sky and you can configure it to show you the same sky as your observing location. There is an advance date/time feature that will tell you when stuff is coming up and where and will also help plan your future observing session. Hope that helps.

Congratulations on a very good scope and wish you clear skies for its arrival.


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Welcome to the Lounge neighbour , great scope you have there ,

Enjoy........ :laugh:

I am south west of Bury St Edmunds, could be quite a close neighbour!

I did a lot of searching but once I read up on the 200p it was the only sensible option. Fingers crossed for some clear skies next week!

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