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Very Pleased to Join the Community


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Briefly about me, I first became interested in astronomy when I was around 3 years old and asked my mother "what is that?" I was pointing at the moon. My interest grew from that and thanks to very supportive parents my passion for the subject was nurtured as I grew up. Up until 16 my optical aid came via my father’s binoculars but then, thanks to a Christmas job I was able to buy my first telescope, a 4.5 inch Newtonian. While the optics were not great and the mount was shaky, it opened up the universe in new ways.

As well as enjoying the universe for its beauty, my academic career followed the same path and I left university with a masters degree in Physics and Astrophyiscs. I realised however, that my work life destiny was not one of astrophysics so now it has just become a hobby once again.

Due to ever increasing commitments to work my opportunities to look up decreased over the last few years, but a 4 day stay at the Sossusvlei desert lodge in Namibia (which has a 12 inch LX200 and on site astronomer) last year really reignited my desire to observe and here I am.

I look forward to getting to know many of you.

Clear skies,


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