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PC or telescope?


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So I am going off to the lake for a week soon, and I think that I can't take both my telescope and PC, so if you had to choose, would ou choose the telescope or PC, I'm fairly certain there will be dark skies, though not sure ihow close the neighbors house or the closer lights will be. So would you chance taking yours if you thought you'd have an oppurtunity of at least one nigh of dark skies?

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You're asking members of an astronomy forum to choose between a PC or a scope.... :D :D

Seriously though, I'd go with the scope. Take a solar filter so you can do some solar observing too, weather permitting.

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Yeah I think I'd go for a telescope too, even better that you couldn't take the PC as well I think, something about being at a lake at night with a telescope, free from technology that sounds incredible.

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Take some kind of MP player for music, a kindle or 2 or 3 books for necessary reading (keep those gray cells alert), enjoy the time and unique moments with your loved ones and share with them a little of the wonder above with a scope. Internet you can forget for a week, right? And if not, well, there's always the mobile.

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I work in IT and spend most of my leisure time glued to my PC. And I'd still take the scope. (Well actually I'd take my bins cos my scope's rubbish for deep sky.) I managed six weeks without a PC back in my degree when I did a field project, so I think I can handle one week offline.

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Well all i'd use the pc was was for flight sim and videogames if the weather was crappy. But I am leaning more and more towards telescope if the lighting situation turns out to be a good one. :) besides I can take my ipad and be happy, there will be a wireless connection from what I remember.

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I'm planning a holiday with my scope to Skye at the end of September or the first week in october. Not being an Apple fan what would you recommend as a tablet? What software is available etc? I quite like Stellarium, is there an android version?

And why did the author pick 42?

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Take a PC. It will be cloudy if you take a scope and it will ruin the rest of your holiday. If you leave your scope at home, you know you will be rewarded with the best night sky you've ever seen.

Seriously, you and I both know the answer.

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