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Saturn May 16th

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Very nice Stuart. Might as well try as much as we can, as this will be it basically untill we are old codgers. Getting the cassini at the front im finding damm hard. its interesting with similar sized optics. your getting a similar level of resolution at the front of saturn as me. Even 280 mm optics seems to help a bit more ( C11 )

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Thanks Lenny!

Cheers Neil.

Even the C14 boys struggle to get much going at the front at this elevation. Less noise I'm sure would help but with such a weak signal its gotta be J-Lo seeing to have any chance.

My laser battery died on me when tweaking the primary so collimation was not spot on whether that's noticeable I'm not sure....maybe rings a tad pointy?

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Hi Stuart

Good image considering the seeing conditions lately. Getting a clean Cassini right around the rings is proving difficult this year at low altitude. The bad news is that it's going to get worse over the next few years.....



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Just realized the latest version v1.34 of image analyser has a far better local contrast tool than the old version. I'd been wondering why I could not get the same result on my netbook as my pc, its because I was using the old version so here is the same image as above but using newer image analyser. Shows clearer cassini with fuller rings and better disk contrast.


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Hi Stuart wonder if ive got the newer version or not ? the thing i dont like is trying to raise the levels creats so much noise. It can be reduced with noise control but then the cassini softens. On the other hand i dont like my dimmer processes either, like my recent higher FL shot. i prefer the higher levels with the whiter rings like this here. But with noisy captures, sometimes its either one approach or the other difficult to have both i found. Smaller focal length shots with lower gain are much easier. which is why my smaller FL shots look far bettter balanced. Just pushing the equipment i guess into areas it doesnt really want to go. so for once i opted for cassini, but with dim levels and colour casts. im sure you know what im going on about

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Worth checking your version Neil there is a big difference.

I didn't realise how noisy this image was on my netbook. Did the same fl at 15fps but forgot to change the shutter speed from 1/30 so that was just as noisy.

Cheers Tony!

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......I like the first image best Stuart :) - but I have to admit that I have this natural aversion to viewing Saturn when the planet's rings are aligned with the width of the viewing frame.....something about a tilted Saturn that gives it an element of dynamism and vitality in my books - but they're all very nice regardless!;)

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Great postings of Saturn from two fine planetary imagers.

Stuart, I might be suffering from the same eye complaint as Percival Lowell, when he thought he saw Martian Canals. A mistake that cost him dear as far as reputation, which was a great shame, as he did some great work.

My reason being, I'm sure my eyes see The Cassini joined at the front in your last Image. Probably Illusionary though.:)


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Thanks Paul!

Cheers Darryl! Actually it was captured perfectly level but I know what you mean, though I always think the rings look rounder when level. Castrated to within a inch of it's life so my little netbook could process the avi faster. These are only in progress shots I shall properly mount a tilted image when satisfied with the final product. :)

Thanks Ron you could be right! Very good eyesight you have! Thats pleasing to get cassini at the front must be the extra fl.

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Thanks Paul!

Cheers Darryl! Actually it was captured perfectly level but I know what you mean, though I always think the rings look rounder when level. Castrated to within a inch of it's life so my little netbook could process the avi faster. These are only in progress shots I shall properly mount a tilted image when satisfied with the final product. :)

Thanks Ron you could be right! Very good eyesight you have! Thats pleasing to get cassini at the front must be the extra fl.

Maybe he can correct me Stuart but i thought he meant vertically joined ? which most certainy is a illusion. if thats what he means. A noise illusion

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These are exceptional results Stuart-very impressive indeed ! You've your kit really putting the squeeze on and your processing is great. I just people realise quite how difficult it is to get something like this from north England, let alone Northern Hemisphere. You must have a magic spell to break those damned clouds :)

Keep 'em coming cos it's all over for me here till August

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