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Hello SGL

Relatively new to this great hobby & have been lurking for some time

Just bought my first telescope, Explorer 200p

Urban skies here full of cloud so hope things clear soon

Thanks for all the great info you guys are posting

Regards to you all

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Thanks for all the welcomes

To Naemeth at my local astro club there are some very good imagers & it seems a very expensive add-on for me. So for now I just plan on visual astronomy. Not sure how well I will see in my back garden as light pollution may be a problem. However, I am very keen to get out there. Great dark skies at astro club though.

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Thanks for all the welcomes

To Naemeth at my local astro club there are some very good imagers & it seems a very expensive add-on for me. So for now I just plan on visual astronomy. Not sure how well I will see in my back garden as light pollution may be a problem. However, I am very keen to get out there. Great dark skies at astro club though.

Oh, I just wondered because an EQ mount is often also used for AP.

May I suggest a light filter, perhaps this one, also may serve as a Moon filter too ;).

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Hi Webboid and welcome to the forum. Good scope you have got yourself there and will certainly show you plenty........when the clouds clear and so hopefully you won't have to wait long before a proper try out.

Clear skies


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Welcome. I have just joined SGL too. I have been interested in astronomy since I was at school, thanks to a maths teacher who ran lunchtime lectures on the subject. I have rekindled my interest after 46 years. I have just purchased an LX90 ten inch scope and so it's obviously my fault we have had nothing but rain for the past few weeks!

I have also recently joined Mid Kent Astronomical Society. The Society has been given the 20 inch Grubb Parsons research grade telescope from the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh. Obviously a lot of work to do to install it in our dome but it should be a great instrument for both visual and photography once working.

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