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Hello guys!


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Just registered on forums that I follow for some time now, so it might be neat to introduce myself in a way.

I come from Croatia, a nice little country where good rural skies are still possible to find, thanking both to mountainous relief and isolation of some places.

I'm in amateur astronomy from 1998 or so, a year later I guess started to use various scopes, smaller mostly. Last years put it a bit aside but now planning to stick on it a bit more harder.

Looking forward nice times on forums, too though I admit I won't post too much, I'm more of an observer :hello2:

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Welcome Lowenbrau to the forums. Being fairly new to the hobby, you must have a lot of questions so don't be afraid to ask. Remember, the only dumb questions are the ones not asked!

Iv'e been in the hobby for some 50+ years and still learning, thanks to sites like this one.

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Hi ?

A warm welcome to the SGL Hope you will enjoy it here I wish there was more darker sites here tell me where they are and I will go there

all the best


in Essex UK

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