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Hiya folks! Name is Ryall and I'm relatively new to the hobby.

I actually got my first scope a long time ago a celestron 130 goto scope which I still have to this day but I didn't dedicate enough time passtime, too young perhaps :rolleyes: This Christmas gone though I was extremely lucky enough to have a trip to Hawai'i and more specifically the observatories based on the top of Mauna Kea and actually got to do some star gazing with a tour group at around 9000 ft and the views were incredible. :) needless to say i was hooked again and ever since Ive been going out as often as I can and recently splashed out on a new scope and found this lovely forum!

Pleasure to meet you all!

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I went for a 12" meade lightbridge dobsonian only came this week and haven't had a chance to haul it out yet. Haven't found a brilliant dark site yet either, been trekking out into the peak district looking for a decent spot, whilst the skies out there a lovely and dark each trip ive made the conditions haven't lasted long enough for decent sky time. Have found a local astronomy club though and meeting them this week. But I doubt ill find conditions as good as Mauna Kea :)

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