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M77 Never released Hubble image


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Because of Hubble's hidden treasures competition I started to dive deep into the hubble archives to look for some nice never released image data. What I found was a true treasure chest of raw fits data with some marvellous images. The best one I found was M77. This galaxy was imaged with Hubble's ACS camera in total and with Hubble's WFPC camera in smaller parts. Big problem was that different parts of the image were taken in different wavelengths which made it quite a hassle to process. But after a long night and day I finally succeeded and I'm so happy with this result. I never have seen anywhere on the internet M77 in such detail ever before. I hope this image will go into the hubble image releases someday....


Full resolution

For this image a lot of Hubble datasets were used:









(The numbers in the end indicate the filter wavelenghts, with n=narrow, w=wide, m=medium)

Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained from the data archive at the Space Telescope Science Institute. STScI is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under NASA contract NAS 5-26555.

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Absolutely beautifully processed...if it doesn't go into their releases, I'll eat my hat!!

How did you approach the mixed bandwidths?

Whatever you did, it's seamless :D



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Excellent !

Having had a try at putting an image together myself I can appreciate how much effort this has taken. Finding the right data is tricky enough as it is; I may have to have a go with the files you've used :D

It's amazing to think this is the best image of M77 in existence, and your eyes were the first to see it in all its magnificence !

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How come the Hubble team took so many photos but never processed them?

They should hire people from Cloudy Nights & other forums like this - on high pay - to do it for them.

I'm sure they look at and use all the data, but it takes extra effort to put the data together to create a full image that can be made public.

There are plenty of people out there that will happily look through and process this data for free.:D

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Just like America's old standard NTSC television. High definition B/W overlaid with lower definition color, which makes up a very nice composite picture. Not perfect, but very nice!

Jim S.

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I'm sure they look at and use all the data, but it takes extra effort to put the data together to create a full image that can be made public.

There are plenty of people out there that will happily look through and process this data for free.:D

Perhaps there are but I feel there must be many gems

which may never be processed to see on our monitors.

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