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First night 130mm newt


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Hello all, anxiously waiting for sun to set. I have outside waiting new sky prodigy 130. Im in chandler, az usually have

Nice sky's despite being in the middle of large city. This will be my first telescope experience since 8, so i am pretty excited. Anything special in the night sky tonight to look for? Also I have two eye peices a 9 and 25mm, any info on what should be used when would be awesome. Thanks again everyone and happy gazing

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Welcome aboard, your on prime real estate when it comes to stargazing. Trying to get out to Arizona myself.

A nice quality 2x barlow will do you wonders out there, since it's almost always excellent seeing conditions there.

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Hello Gearhead and welcome to the SGL.

Since I read your post late Friday night, here are a few objects to view in the next several nights an hour or two after local sunset:

Venus (at dusk) low in the WNW sky.

Mars (besides the bottom star of the backwards question mark of Leo)

Saturn (besides the bright star Spica in Virgo, half way up from the SE horizon)

Use your 9mm EP for these planets.

Because the full Moon is now out through most of the night, most of the faint deep space objects such as galaxies and nebulae will be hard to locate and observed with the bright Moon washing out the sky. There is one nice open star cluster (M35) next to the right foot of the right twin of Gemini. This cluster should be seen as a fairly faint smudge of many stars with the Moon out and is located within the Milky Way. Use your 25mm EP to find it within one (25mm) field of view of the "foot" star.

If you want to locate the above objects and start to learn some of the major constellations, print out a free monthly sky star chart at the below link:

Skymaps.com - Publication Quality Sky Maps & Star Charts

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Hi Gearhead and welcome! I bet the night sky in Arizona is amazing. I'm pretty new to Astronomy but have found the free download programme 'stellarium' and the book 'Turn Left at Orion' invaluable.

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