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Hi from scotland

paraletic mirror

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Just wanted to introduce myself and say hi to everyone, been lurking around this site for last few weeks and his come up with great answers when typeed into google so thought i should maybe join.

Ive been a fanatic about space since an early age and after being given a telescope form my father i began pointing it at the bright objects in the sky at night ;)

With this being a great time to see the planets, such as vebus and jupiter as they pass in the sky, and with venus being so bright at the moment it was easy to view, jupiter is then easy to find.

The first time i looked at jupiter i was blown away, ive never seen anything like that ;) it really is breathtaking.

The detal which you can see is awesome, with changing moon positions every day, the 2 darker bands around jupiter itself.

and i only have a small telescope!

I observe witha celestron 90mm MAK, with no experience with telscopes ive found it to be fantastic, its mounted on an ordinary camera tripod which does fine with 90mak, and when the focus is perfect the planets look fantastic.

After several views of jupiter and venus, me and my partner then began to look for saturn, "the star of the solar system" or so i was told lol, we read sites for where and how to look for it, but after 3 nights of patchy sky couldnt find it, we were told it would have a slight yellow colour and be near spica. well long story short we kept looking at a star that just was not saturn, it gave us the question "is our telescope to small to see, but its not thatfar past jupiter" I woke up same night at 1:55 and looked out the window on off chance it would be clear, it was, i zoomed outside and saw 2 lights to southabove the horizon, "1 of those lights was saturn" after i a little alignment i looked through the eyepiece and couldnt believe what i was seeing, it looks beautiful but slightly out of place as placed the on the end of a stick, as the ficsing got better a began to see amaing detial from a dark line goin around 1/3rd of the ring, the dark patch between planet and ring which then gave it depth as you can see the ring going behind the planet.

I love space

After the sights ive seen in the last 2 weeks it has inspired me with the passion to take it further and start some atrophotgraphy, my plan is to upgrade my telescope, and the best for a great price is the explorer 200p with eq5 mount, but i wont be using it for photography straight away as i would like to try upgrade the mount first to heq5 as a lot of people say tracking problems after 30 sec exposures.

So high stargazers lounge community

cheers Haribo

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Glad to hear that you found her in the end and I remember when I first saw Saturn how surreal the experience felt, I was convinced that the object was painted on the eyepiece or that I was looking at an image of a poster. To help you further in discovering what you are looking at or indeed to help you find new objects, can I recommend you take a look at 'Stellarium' here. Its free, easy ti use, can be configured to your viewing site and has lots of 'toys' on it to allow you to adjust it to suit your needs (constellation names, lines etc). It has an advance date/time feature which will help you discover when exactly your chosen objects will come into view - particularly helpful if your view of the night sky is obstructed by a tree or surrounding buildings. It will also give you something to do when the clouds come in!

Clear skies for now


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Hi Haribo,

Welcome to the forum, it's nice to read that you eventually found Saturn, it really is an amazing sight!!;)

If you are in Central Scotland and would like to get out observing with like mined folks, check out the link in my signature. ;)


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