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Hi from the Netherlands :-)

I'm not a complete newcomer to this hobby, I grinded my first mirror just after highschool, built my own Newton from it and enjoyed the skies during the years that followed, later buying a very nice Pentax 75 SDHF apo which I enjoyed thoroughly.

Then I quit for quite a long time, sold my Pentax (and I still regret doing that) picking it up again in 2002 with a GSO 10" dobson only to quit again in 2004 when my first son was born. So I sold the dob again (wife was very happy that huge monster was gone), only keeping the eyepieces.

So, here I am back again, restarting hopefully for the last time again. I now own a Coronado PST for about a month, what a lot of fun you have with this little gem.

Tired of dragging these really big and heavy telescopes I went back to the smaller sizes, so I ordered the new 2012 William Optics ZS70 ED RED telescope. That way, both my PST and the SZ70 can be carried in one suitcase and I can take both on travels.

Bought a travel alt-az mount with it so I'm all set to go.. when the customs release the SZ70 (it arrived there yesterday). I bet it will keep on raining for a least a week after I receive it.. the curse of new telescopes..

My 9yr old son owns a Celestron FirstScope, which is surprisingly good for its price.

Anyway, clear skies!

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