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Ikharos 80ED has arrived!


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This afternoon I took delivery of my Ikharos 80ED refractor after much decision-making over the weekend. I was originally keen on the SW Equinox, but this one was considerably cheaper and by all accounts is a good quality piece of kit.

I'm extremely impressed with the scope, it feels very solidly built and the simple design looks professional. Certainly doesn't come across as cheap, all in I paid £356 for the scope, x0.8 reducer/flattener and T-ring for my Canon.

The packaging was rather basic, just the scope in a clear bag supported by polystyrene blocks. It looked exactly like this one here. My accessories were loose in the box, though heavily bubble-wrapped.

I bought from Ian King who answered all my questions yesterday and shipped it out the same afternoon. Barely 24hrs from order to delivery, can't complain about that! :p

The scope is identical to the newer Starwave 80ED sold by Altair Astro, but has the smaller 2" focuser. I'm perfectly happy with this, it's miles better than the one on my Evostar!

I intend for this to be an imaging scope, but as you can see from my pictures I've currently got it set up for visual use. Not that there's anything to see with all this cloud cover right now!

My Canon 1100D should arrive either tomorrow or Thursday, I've ordered a copy of "Making Every Photon Count" too which will give me something to read whilst waiting for clear skies. :)



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Nice scopes aren't they!!

I bought the Starwave 102 from Ian a couple of weeks ago, haven't seen much through it except cloud and a few sparrows. Quick view of Orion at the weekend before the clouds rolled in. Can't wait for a whole night to sort things out. Looks the business on the NEQ6.

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Congrats becky! A lovely looking little scope that should see you well for astrophotography. I almost brought the starwave version, but decided on the Canon L lens to cater for both sides of the hobby.

Cant wait to see the results!

Stan :p

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Very nice indeed Becky but would I be right in saying if you had gone with the Equinox you would have been going with better optics ???

The optics on the Equinox maybe "slightly" better FPL53, where as the Ikharos has FPL51 glass which will show a "little" more colour around brighter stars, BUT when you consider the Equinox is around £500 and the Ikharos is around £350 with reducer/flattener and probably better focuser..........

Stan :p

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Very nice indeed Becky but would I be right in saying if you had gone with the Equinox you would have been going with better optics ???

Well, maybe, but for an extra £140 you would hope so.

Scope looks really nice Becky. Did you get the diagonal with it, as you don't get that with the Equinox either :p

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Very nice indeed Becky but would I be right in saying if you had gone with the Equinox you would have been going with better optics ???

Better optics is subjective at best, and taking seeing into account.

There are far more things in the line to refine before marginal refining of optics to be honest.

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Very nice looking setup Becky.

Personally, I have found Steves book superb and I dont think I would have got on very well without it - although I am still under geared myself it is a great support to making the most of what I have.

I will look forward to seeing what you capture with it and your 1100D (Ps thanks for the clouds - now we know whos responsible!)

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Just for the record I wasn't knocking the Ikharos 80ED or Becky's decision I was just curious after "I was originally keen on the SW Equinox" what was the reason for going with the Ikharos in the end given the Equinox has better optics.

Basically Price vs better optics, price wins.

FPL51 vs FPL53, would most people be able to tell the difference even if the seeing was favourable.

Its subjective at best, I doubt many people could tell the difference, and how many imagers can produce images which will show the difference, and then justify the price difference.

My reason for getting the starwave was based upon it was cheaper than upgrading the focuser on my old Meade triplet.

I sold the Meade, reducers, and cnc rings, bought a new scope and had £50.00 left in my pocket.

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Thanks Earl. I had thought imaging required the best optics you could afford due to the camera seeing what the eye dosen't. It always seems to be the case with visual observing and eyepieces.

Sorry for the hi-jack Becky :p

You are right it does, but its a case of diminishing returns.

These the Ikharos and Starwave are very very good value for what the do, yeah its not a Tec or a Takashi but it does not require serious saving or a bank loan to get one, I personally would only invest in a top end scope if I had the conditions and ability to warrant its price... neither of those are going to happen any time soon HEHE.

Becky can you take a photo of the reducer please, im very interested to see if it is the same as mine, as im still to confirm spacing details?

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As I've said a few time about this scope. When you speak to Ian always ask them to secure th aprts inside the box. I have said a few times that the stuff is packed loosely. One other thing becky check the retainng ring at the fron and make sure it us screwed on tightly and doesn't rotate mine did. It is just case of turning it clockwise finger tight. Also on the focuser you will see some grubscrews. I would take them all out as they can screw right through and end up in the tube. Again this happened to my frst Ikharus and they damaged the lens. Ian replaced the scope though but prevention is better than cure.

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Congratulations on your new scope - by all the cloud we are experiencing in Wymondham, South Norfolk, I'd say you've got yourself a cracker!

Look forward to reading your 1st / 2nd Light with it.

Hoping to upgrade my short tube later this year, and this looks a contender.

Clear skies.


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So sorry about the cloud everyone, I stand guilty as charged. :)

Just for the record I wasn't knocking the Ikharos 80ED or Becky's decision I was just curious after "I was originally keen on the SW Equinox" what was the reason for going with the Ikharos in the end given the Equinox has better optics.

The Equinox does have better optics, but as a newbie to astrophotography I really don't think I'd notice the difference. Not enough to justify spending £200 more anyway. Plus, from all the user feedback I've read, the Ikharos is a surprisingly good performer. I believe even Olly had nothing but praise for its larger brother, the 102ED.

If I get the AP bug, I'll probably treat myself to a triplet someday. :p

Becky can you take a photo of the reducer please, im very interested to see if it is the same as mine, as im still to confirm spacing details?

Have attached a photo for you. :)


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Nice scope Becky! Look forward to hearing how you get on with it...been thinking about a short tube myself, at least something more grab and go than what I currently have (plus nice for AP).

In the meantime... <Shakes fist at clouds>


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As I've said a few time about this scope. When you speak to Ian always ask them to secure th aprts inside the box. I have said a few times that the stuff is packed loosely. One other thing becky check the retainng ring at the fron and make sure it us screwed on tightly and doesn't rotate mine did. It is just case of turning it clockwise finger tight. Also on the focuser you will see some grubscrews. I would take them all out as they can screw right through and end up in the tube. Again this happened to my frst Ikharus and they damaged the lens. Ian replaced the scope though but prevention is better than cure.

I did ask Ian about the loose accessories and he said it wouldn't be a problem as they were heavily bubble-wrapped. Everything looked fine when it arrived.

I'll take a look at the retaining ring in a moment. The grub screws look quite snug where they are, but I'll get my husband to sort them out. I'm more likely to end up pushing them in lol. :p


Congratulations on your new scope - by all the cloud we are experiencing in Wymondham, South Norfolk, I'd say you've got yourself a cracker!

Look forward to reading your 1st / 2nd Light with it.

Hoping to upgrade my short tube later this year, and this looks a contender.

Clear skies.


I would certainly recommend this scope, but bear in mind that you'll probably need to buy the Starwave as Ian King only had a couple left in stock yesterday and he is not getting any more in.

It's exactly the same scope though and you'll get the nice big 3" focuser instead. :)

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Congrats on the new scope. Great choice if I say so myself.

My Ikharos 80ED arrives on Thursday so you know what the forecast is for the weekend. :p


Yay, nice to see so many folks going for this scope! Would love to know what you think of it. :)

Ever since I got my first scope in early February, it's only been clear on the weekends. Do clouds only work weekdays? :)

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Handsome telescope, my William Optic Megrez 110 ED has the same glass as yours, it's a fabulouse scope, I've had some far more expensive scopes but love imaging with the big Megrez..

Am sure you will love it, what a bargain!!

Congrats :p

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