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DSLR moon with Klevtsov

Kaptain Klevtsov

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No mate, it's a load stacked up. I started with 80 RAW images, binned 15 for being cloudy, converted them to TIFFs, loaded them into Registax which chose 46 for stacking. I used multi-point align in Registax (which worked after only five tries) then wavelets, auto RGB balance, histogram stretch, then save as TIFF. Loaded the TIFF into CS2, cropped the jaggies of the edge, then save for web, twice, with two different sizes. Simple.

The secret is to pull the trigger until you're all out of memory card, then hit it with some megaflops.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Thanx God! I thought you have some super secret DSLR type.. :scratch: I tried using Registax 4, but my images were Rubbish, so even multipoint allign didn't help. Well, I think i just need to get to it seriously :)

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They are really nice images Captain Klevstov! It puts my effort to shame - but I had to get a quick shot in before retiring to bed (have to be on site at 7.00am tomorrow!!). Took this with a cheap £29.00 "Technika" 2megapixel camera from "Tesco's" (it's one I use for work). Just held it to the 10mm eyepiece of my Skywatcher 80T refractor - pointed through a double glazed bedroom window. Sharpened the image with "Picasa"




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  • 3 weeks later...

That's fantastic image KK! :shock: Especially the bigger one is great! When you use DSLR with your scope, how big does the moon appear in the frame? It seems to me that DSLR can yield better results for widefield moon images than Toucam can, is that because of better resolution or is it just my impression?

Martin :D

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Martin, the image is the full frame of the DSLR. Full disk images are easier with a DSLR because you don't need to mosaic the parts together, you just do the whole thing. To get something similar you would need to do about 9 panels and stitch them together to get the full disk.


Kaptain Klevtsov

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