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Damn weather


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It's fairly clear here, but the wind is so strong it's not worth getting the scope out. I think I find that more frustrating than clouds & rain. Still, Alexis has promised us the wind will die down overnight, and it will still be clear. Alarm set for 4. Saturn, here I come!

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I just had a real stroke of luck! Having put the scope out to cool I had just finished putting the kids to bed when there was a MASSIVE clap of thunder outside :)

Ran out to find it was just spitting so I packed up in 1 minute flat! I just got the door closed as the hail started lashing down - without the thunder my scope would have been soaked. It's hammering against the window now :) Change of plan for this evening, then?

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I put my scope outside, now I've brought it back in. Clear - cloudy - clear - cloudy - clear... stories of rain, 90% chance of precipitation, snow... argh I need an OBS so this doesn't matter - and a house big enough for one.

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Yep same here, just spent a good half hour getting everything ready twenty minutes veiwing and then clouds and rain. Just about had enough of wasting my time so E Bay looks more promising everyday. Steve

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i managed 10 mins on Jupiter and half hour on the moon straight after work before the clouds rolled in. I put my scope in the shed before work just in case to cool ready for me. Crater hopping is so fun on a manual eq5.

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tell me about it....looke prefect when i put the scope out at half 5ish, got a few glimpses of the moon and jupiter with my new William Optics eyepieces that arrived today....then suddenly, blanket clouds....fingers crossed it might clear.....forecast was for clear skies all night :s


and here's the rain :)

think it's gonna be a movie night rather than gazing....by the time it's stopped raining, my scope has cleared from being brought back inside, then cooled again....be time for bed :)

good forecasts for the weekend though (when I don't have to worry about waking up for work in the morning, so can quite happily stay up all night :))

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I Just realised we are all actually experts on Clouds and weather. Yes I look at the stars quite a lot, but mostly it's just clouds, Was great an hour ago had dinner and now it's cloudy amazes me how fast things change.

Maybe Stargazers should have a cloud group !!

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All it has done is rain...and rain... and rain some more. We have had several tornadoes over the past week and the weather is just horrible. I have probably two or three inches of water in my yard currently. When I let my little dog out to potty I need a buoy, life jacket and hook him to a fishing pole just to make sure he comes back. Craziness

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I was beginning to despair with the January weather . Terrible . However got out Wed night for a few hours and last night left the scope in and took the binocs out for an hour. The Astro bank has been topped up again!


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Got my new scope out for a couple of hours yesterday, mainly to set it up, the moon was low and soon went behind clouds and then houses! I did manage to see Jupiter and 4 moons for ten minutes, really awesome sight, even though the conditions werent the best and it started raining, must fix the synscan up tonight!

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Very frustrated yesterday with the weather changes, the skies were perfectly clear at sunset so I put the scope out, not a cloud in sight started aligning and still no clouds in sight and no lights were on from anyone nearby, I thought my luck was in. Finished aligning and suddenly the sky is coming in cloudy!

Managed to stick with it for a few hours but the cloud got so thick around 10pm that I had to call it a night...

And then I suddenly get a call from my dad about 20 minutes after packing up to call it a night. Lo and behold the sky was clear again.

Damn weather!

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I left work last night and the sky was amazingly clear, got home and set up quickly and (unusually) flawlessly.

Did a quick visual tour of my faves, still clear. Pointed to M31 and started imaging and some cloud drifted past, nothing spectacular.

Around 9.30 the air started to get very damp, then without warning it starts raining, very hard with a hint of snow in it.

Fastest breakdown of kit I've ever done!

At least after that it had the good grace to cloud up and stay that way for a few hours

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meh.... same happened today in my neck of the woods.... beautiful sunny day then as soon as i jumped on the train to come home from work (my head full of things im gonna look for)......clouds......clouds......more clouds, now its almost totally covered. see ya venus! see ya moon and preety soon im sure it will be see ya jupiter! damn and blast it all.... Thank you.... rant over :0)

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After finding Andromeda last night with the bins, and then replacing the bearings in the focuser, I was looking forward to getting the scope out for an attempt at cracking Andromeda........ no chance now :evil: looks like beer instead :icon_salut:

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