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Hi from Scotland


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Hi everyone. Just joined. Have been interested in astronomy for quite a while now, but never actually went the full hog and bought a telescope. Have spent most of my gazing time with my trusty canon eos and tele lens. Things are hopefully about to change, and i have decided to purchase a Celestron C8-SGT. After a lot of hunting and reading i think in my budget and skill range this is probably my best choice for viewing and imaging (if i can find a stockist that has it in stock just now lol)

Hoping to gain a good bit more knowledge on here and hopefully meet a few friends along the way



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Hi Dave and welcome to the forum. You might like to download some free planetarium software (...if you haven't already) called Stellarium and the details are here. some good 'toys' on it to keep you bust when its cloudy and great for planning ahead to know what is coming up and when. Also great for identifying objects too and a host of other capabilities that can be linked to a mount using another bit of free software called EQMOD. So, there is plenty of free stuff out there to go with that Celestron and with it lots of fun too.

Clear skies


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Thanks guys for your welcome. Good to see some scots in here as well, thought it may be few and far between as it seems we have a definite lack of astronomy shops up here.

James -- thanks for the info, although i have a feeling i may have to dust off the old windows laptop for most of the software (i retired it to the back of the office about 18months ago when i discovered macs). Disappointed at the lack of imaging software (decent stacking software etc) for the mac considering it is best recommended for photo stuff.

Just need to get that scope now -- not having much luck at the moment finding someone with it in stock - telescope planet has it, but im a bit wary of ordering from them given some of the reviews in here about them, and the amount of money im about to part with.

Thanks again everyone.


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Thanks for the additional hellos guys / girls?? -- feeling cosy in here already :-)

Anyone in here a member of The Astronomical Society of Glasgow? just considering joining up to them -- looks to be the closest to me in Wishaw unless you can recommend any others

thanks again


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