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Which eye?

West End Wendy

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I'm always swapping from eye to eye when im observeing, normaly if im concentrating to much the eye on my scope will always go blury.

It's all in your head! Just don't think about what eye your useing, im sure you will get use to it.

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I'm exactly the same as you Tim, right handed and use my left eye to observe. From the odd clay pigeon shooting day I believe I am left eye dominant.

I've posted about this before, but my main reason for using my left is that I see far detail more with it. Images seem less intense but I can pick out fine detail which is invisible with my right eye. As an example, I can see, relatively clearly, the GRS through my 66mm apo with my left eye, not a chance with my right!

My just be worth giving your right a go, might be better!


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As above, I can use either eye, but see different amounts of detail, and one eye is more sensitive at low light levels than the other.

I am right eye dominant, but the left has slightly sharper focus. In my pistol shooting days, I tried using the non-dominant (left) eye because it was sharper, but found that eyestrain set in quite quickly, and I've found the same with astronomy.


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I'm right handed and observe with my right eye. However, recently i have switched observing eye from time to time and i have noticed that my left eye can see fainter objects then my right eye.

I guess from now on i will use my right eye for planetary work and my left eye for DSO's.

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That's a good point kniclander. I don't get on with bino viewers, and often think it is because my eyes are SO different that I struggle to merge the images.

It's not related to long or short sightedness, I think it's to do with sensitivity of the retina


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I'm right handed but when I observe I tend to automatically use my left eye which is odd because my right eye is my better eye.

I have to always remind myself to use my right eye! :icon_scratch:

I also wear glasses but take them off while stargazing.

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You can find your dominant eye by holding a finger at arm's length and aligning it to a more distant object. Swap from just one eye to the other and the non dominant does a parallax jump. It's a characteristic of dyslexic people to have only a weakly dominant eye or none at all.

I had no idea that some people observe with their non dominant (submissive??) eye.

That's interesting. My weaker eye would need a twenty inch Newt to see a football at ten feet.


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I am definitely right eye dominant, and mostly righthanded but not strongly so. I tried using my left eye to look at the moon the other day in an attempt to preserve some dark adaptation in my right eye, but I just couldn't my eye placement correct let alone see any detail with it.

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Right hand, Right eye for me - I've tried my Left eye and it's sorta ok but not as good. I found binoviewers perfect cos I can adjust each diopter independently to suit that particular eye - I reserve the right eye only for single Televue pieces now lol :icon_scratch:

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