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Nother Newbie,l just an intro


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Hey all, I'm from northern Nevada and have recently become more and more obsessed with amatuer astronomy.

My wife bought me a cheap reflector for christmas one year, a meade that came with a cheap eyepiece camera. 70AZ model. I had major issues trying to get a good alignment and see anything. I

hated it, but I wanted to see something worthwhile so...

A guy at work had a Meade ETX-125 , he sold it to me for 200 us. And here I am, after calling meade and ordering a new hand controller. I finnaly realize I know absolutely nothing and have become a new prowler reading posts and trying to learn more.

I am really interested in showing my granddaughter the sky and planets so I figure I can get help here so I appear smarter than a 5 year old. All we've realy looked at is the moon, but the views are awsome and we have extremely low light pollution where we live even if the tree's block the guide stars from the scope.

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Hi Catz,

Welcome to the forum.

Great that you are introducing your granddaughter to the skies.

The mooon is a fabulous place to start.

I am trying to get my granddaughters to draw Jupiter. Not easy, but ultimately it will be rewarding.

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hi and welcome to sgl from me i have a meade goto,some times i just point it north and use one star align that works in a fashion,i usually use Vega and Capella,if the stars are to close together it only seems to be good in that area of sky but i never let that bother me ,i usually let my 12 year old daughter set it up because she seems to have it down in about 7 mins and does not get frustrated when it beeps and fail comes on the handset screen what hand set did you get ?

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Welcome aboard.

With your clear skies you could just point it anywhere and get spectacular views. I'd recommend downloading Stellarium to get you seeing whats available to be viewed from your location.


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