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Neck ache!


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Hi All,

I've just started taking looking up a bit more seriously after using a cheap pair of binoculars and spotting 3 of Jupiter's moons.

I've always been fascinated by the night sky and after getting an 'app for that' and piecing together the constellations I'm getting more and more interested. I thought I'd have a look through some binoculars and couldn't believe how much more you can see! I found the Andromeda constellation, tracked up 2 stars up from the middle and a bit to the right and saw a fuzzy blob! My mind was blown!

Almost everything I Googled ended up here and after a few weeks of reading I'm going to get a telescope. So I'll be on here quite a bit milking some knowledge off you guys/gals if that's okay.

Anyway, that's my quick hello :).

Zaphod360... Lincoln, Lincolnshire.

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I'm in much the same situation at the moment, been playing around with some 8x21's the last week or so, upgraded to some 12x50's i found at a car boot sale today (thus the clouds).

Neck and eyes are sore, but got a good look at andromeda and blew my mind, floated up to the double cluster, then over to plaedes, then jupiter and its 4 moons. I think it might have only been 3 moons though, these aren't the greatest binos so i think the outer "moon" was just a ghost of jupiter since when i checked against a streetlight there was a ghost about the same distance away :(

Still, the inner 3 were definately moons :)

Never thought i would, but i'm loving every second with these binos. I'm trying to find a suitable mirror at the moment to make my own binoflex/skywindow type mount.

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