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will this cloud ever lift?


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I got lucky and had a clear patch here for 3 hours last night. It was superb - first decent session in a long time though. Clouds again here now but a few small patches of blue sky starting to show.

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i got my scope in June and have only really had 3 sessions! i guess the summer nights havnt helped as i cant really stay out to late on a school nite but fingers crossed for the autumn nights

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I've been wondering the same thing from the midlands! just grey dingey skies here for the last few days!

Must be because I collimated my scope at the weekend and need to do a star test! :)


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Got lucky here, clear on Sunday night and no work on Monday (bank holiday).

Had a nice three hour session with the scope and managed to find the veil nebulae - first time ever from my light polluted garden.

The cloud has been back ever since Sunday but the three hour 'fix' was well worth it.

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A recent visit to the National Space Center had info suggesting that only 1/3 of the year do we have clear skies. Given how often I have been out in the last 12 months I'm thinking it's more like 1/4. I'm sure if we were all able to sit out all night long it would no doubt be surprising how many breaks in the cloud there are but due to the rat race of life if the clouds are over head we call it a night and get some kip ready for the next days commitments. It not just cloud that has had me tucked up in bed either. Some nights have been clear but the wind has meant observing would be less than an ideal undertaking. While there is nothing I like better than getting a dusk till dawn observing session on those nights when those clouds roll in I can't help but appreciate how much better I feel in the morning after having a full nights ZZZZZZ's

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its going to take a while. I am just awaiting final part to my set up (qhy5v guider) and after 3 years of collecting bits and pieces my imaging equipment will be complete. I guess frist clear night will be during Full Moon :)

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Actually it was clear last night. It sneakily cleared at 3am and lasted an hour. Daughter woke me up just in time to see it. I took her to the window and told her about the stars to get her to calm down and go sleepy again. When I asked what she could see in the sky, she did her chicken impression and all talk of stars went out the window. We spent the next hour discussing her two favourite things, chickens and ducks. She is only 18 months old and tends to get bored when I talk about variable stars.

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cloud lifted last night here in burton! :) It some big chunks of cloud but huge expanses of clear sky. Very nice to be able to get the scope out and get some time on it.

clear skies!


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Lovely clear morning here in South Wales. It has been since I got up at 6am with the baby.

A warning though, Thursday nights are my mountain bike club evening rides, so expect a deluge later this afternoon......and I've just this morning received my Rigel finder so I have a new toy to play with this evening.

Cloudy skies tonight then!

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well i was at the pub last night and noticed the skies were clear, result! maybe the weather gods have answered my prayers (or got bored of me moaning)so i popped home to set up my scope and let it cool down, got my new laptop out with stellarium all set up and just as i sat down to start.........the clouds rolled in! typical, saw a shooting star though which always makes you smile, ,moral of the story, stay at the pub!

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