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I forgot my introduction...


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First of all I want to send shout outs to everyone that attended the star party Cumbria 3. It was my first ever and was very memorable. What started off as a not so promising night for star gazing turned into a wild adventure into the universe. I am fairly new to the whole astronomy hobby and have never been able to enjoy a night of looking at the sky like last night. As soon as the sun set everybody raced over to their telescopes and before I could even get to mine I was offered a chance to look at the Andromeda Galaxy. It wasn't even 30 seconds into the event and I was already at a loss for words. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. I thought that nothing could top what I had just seen. That was until I looked through the Obsession at the ring nebula. I quickly learned why they call that telescope the obsession. I was already curious about the telescope because when I first arrived it was covered by it's own tent, which added to the mystery. All day I was driven mad by the thought of what that telescope could do. Even after the ring nebula things continued to get more exciting. I viewed M13 through another telescope and once again my eyes became almost glued to the other person's telescope. It took alot of will power to move away from that telescope and let someone else see through it. After using everyone else's telescopes I returned to mine and found most of the objects I had seen with everyone else's telescopes. I found ojects I had never seen before thanks to the help of everyone there. Once again thanks to everyone that was there. Even though it was one night it felt like an eternity. Now that I am home and my view of the cosmos has expanded and I can honestly say my view of the world has changed. Once big problems seem so small now. The next time somebody complains about mail at the post office, I just want to shout at them "Mail! How can you worry about mail, when our galaxy is on a collision course with another galaxy!!!" Something along these line.

Anyway, on to the introduction. I am from North Carolina orginally and am now working for USPS in England. I have always loved astronomy, but it hasn't been until recently that I have purchased a telescope and started observing. I am lucky enough to have a wife that shares the same passion as me when it comes to astronomy. She always supports us going out at 2am to go see whatever it is we are trying to find. I have a whole laundry list of other hobbies, to include running, hiking, camping, writing, traveling and almost everything else. I like to try and keep an open mind especially when it comes to living overseas. Everyplace is different with different cultures and customs. I try to roll with the punches. Anyway, it is good to be a part of this forum and from the little I read, I know I am going to learn alot and meet some good people.

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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Really glad you enjoyed your astral baptism, you were clearly bathed with some great views and has obviously wetted your appetite for more - long may it continue.

Wishing you clear skies for your next voyage into the universe!


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