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Hello from 34 N 118 W


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I am new to this helpful and friendly site although I have been struggling - yes, that is not too strong a word - with astronomy for a few years now. I have the Stellarvue refractor and alt-az mount out almost every clear night, and my stargazing has picked up a bit since I had a very slick Argo Navis DSC system and encoders installed. Wonderful clear skies and great seeing for the past several nights here that not even the light pollution from the nearby megalopolis can mess up. I have hopes of climbing the astrophotography learning curve, but it is very steep for those of us who do not have advanced degrees in astrophysics. Hope to visit you more often, and maybe post some images. Got to get back outside before the moon comes up, bye!

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hi saturn,and welcome to the fold and sgl,well I think 95% of us amateurs do not have degree in astrophysics, but we can still make useful observation and such like ,enjoy sgl it’s a great place to be

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