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Venus project update

Dave Smith

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Today I have taken (probably) the last image of Venus on this side of the Sun as it is now less than 9 deg from the Sun and getting dangerous. I now have to wait until end of September for it to be a safe distance on the East of the Sun in order to complete the project.

The Venus images are all taken in daylight using my Vixen FL102S refractor with a 2x barlow and DMK21 camera. My technique for getting Venus onto the chip is firstly with a wide angle eyepiece get the Sun in the centre of the FOV (with a suitable filter over the objective) and then GOTO Venus, remove the filter and it has always, cloud permitting, been visible. Replace the eyepiece with a higher power eyepiece and recentre. I then replace the eyepiece with the camera (with a red filter) and adjust the focus. The histogram usually gives an indication that Venus is about to appear in focus before I see it on the screen.

Once I have the image on the chip I then add the barlow and refocus.

The images are all placed on an ellipse (not shown) at their correct distance from the Sun as measured using SkyMap Pro.

The first image (back left) was taken last July and the last (back right) today.



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Excellent that you've kept this up so long. I was wondering how this was coming along of late...

I was out after Venus today now I have GOTO but going from the solution you mentioned here and previously I stumbled into one obstacle (which I'm hoping is just down to needing to get more familiar with GOTO); is there some option I need to activate that enables Sun targetting? Because from Brightest Star and Two Star alignment, the Sun does not appear as an option for me.

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I was out after Venus today now I have GOTO but going from the solution you mentioned here and previously I stumbled into one obstacle (which I'm hoping is just down to needing to get more familiar with GOTO); is there some option I need to activate that enables Sun targetting? Because from Brightest Star and Two Star alignment, the Sun does not appear as an option for me.

I use EQmod which with StarMap Pro can GOTO anything - very useful. My mount being permanently set up and polar aligned also helps enormously. Today for example it went directly to the Sun and onto Venus without any need for correction. Only minor adjustment was needed to get the image on the chip.


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Thank you for the kind comments and thank you Steven for posting it on the Transit of Venus Project's blog. Mark, I already have photos of Venus on the Sun's disc from the last transit. I would love to get it again next year but the British weather may not be so favourable.



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Peter kindly pointed out to me that the blacks in my image above were not uniform. (If it is not obvious to you just put it into photoshop or similar and give it a stretch) I think I have now sorted that by setting the surrounding "black" area round each image as the black point in levels. I hope that is better. I should point out that I am very happy to receive contructive criticism or any pointers to improving any image. I am assuming that a true black is fine for this type of image unlike the background sky in a deep sky image.



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