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Hi, I have loved space and just looking at the stars at night when its peaceful when walking the dog.Yet I feel I dont really have an understanding of it all.Apart from following NASA and NASA Spaceflight.Com and various programmes on Sky documentary channels.As a bit of a loner with no higher education

I have never really clicked with people.Now middle aged with a pair of cheap binoculars the idea of getting to know other people with the same interest appeals to me but I feel I would be out of my depth.Any thoughts/ideas would be appreciated

Thanks Dmac :)

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You're welcome Dmac! I would try to go to a local star party if you can? It's a good opportunity to meet astronomers who share your interest. (I know that they can be initially daunting, but once you've broken the ice..it's all good) At least you'll have something in common to talk about, or you wouldn't have gone. Remember, they would have been in the same boat too when they began so don't feel like you would be out of your depth. After all you decided to be a registered member of SGL. That's a brilliant start! You'll meet plenty of benevolent members who are always willing to help, give advice and support! :)

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Hi Dmac and welcome to SGL :)

You really needn't be worried about being out of your depth - we all were at some time. As with all subjects it can be daunting at first, especially when picking equipment and learning the sky all at the same time. But take it in steps and you'll soon build your knowledge.

Lots of reading recommended, and any questions just start a thread in the beginners help section - someone will be along with an answer soon. Enjoy the forum :icon_eek:

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Hi, Dmac, and welcome to the forum.

Anything you want to know, just ask. There will surely be someone on SGL who can help.

Also, see if there is an astronomical society near you. Go along, join, meet up with others for observing nights. By and large, amateur astronomers are a friendly bunch who love sharing their hobby and nurturing newcomers.

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Hi Dmac, welcome to the forum.

Astronomy can be what ever you want it to be, just looking up or contemplating Quantum mechanics, it's all there.

I can honestly say that this is the only hobby (obsession), that has people more than willing to help you and not treat it as a competition.

I went and met another local Astro society yesterday, and they were very welcoming, and I found the chap that got me into this as a teenager. I have been invited to attend another meeting, and I will, you can't have too many friends.

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Hi Dmac,

Welcome to SGL.

Please don't feel shy about asking questions, that's the way to learn.

I would reccomend that you download Stellarium a free planatarium program which really helps to find your away around the night sky.

Enjoy your time in the lounge.

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