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Hi from Harrow


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Greetings folks,

As a new member I just thought I'd drop in and say hello.

Total beginner but always had a keen interest in all things space (to the extent that I even did a Physics & Space Science degree many, many moons ago).

With the arrival of kids my evenings have, shall we say, changed pace somewhat and I've now got the opportunity to pick up my interest in astronomy.

Based in Harrow (N.W. London) so light pollution is going to be an issue but hoping to get out and about round the UK with my scope to find some decent dark skies.

Currently evaluating scopes and have a few questions but will ask these in the appropriate forum.

Here's hoping for clear skies


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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and to BAZ for the link to the light pollution map. I'd manged to find a few other maps via Google but this resource certainly trumps them all. It shows my immediate area to be as bad as I feared. Does anyone know of any decent dark sky sites down near Weymouth in Dorset? My parents live down there and I'll be visiting in the next few weeks. I'm itching to try some DSOs with the new scope whilst I'm there (weather permitting).

As always, any help much appreciated.


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