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Londoner starter for ten


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thought I'd introduce myself and hopefully mine some information at the same time.

I have absolutely zero knowledge and experience of astronomy on a practical basis but am a very very keen reader and watcher of all things science counting Carl Sagan and Richard Feynman amongst my role models (it's ok to have role models at 34 I reckon)

I have a skywatcher 127 which I have recently upgraded to a GOTO and I can often be found up on Blackheath in London on a clear night making cooing noises as I attempt to navigate the highly polluted night skies.

I am also very excited as tomorrow I am off on a road trip up to the Lakes and Scotland and am taking my scope along. Galloway here I come.

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Thanks very much

I am quite excited by this trip as it'll be the first time I will use my scope outside of central London.

As my scope is a Maksutov-Cassegrain I realise that it is probably more suited to lunar/planetary observations but I'm hoping to see a few DSO's if the weather plays ball and am quite eager to see the difference a dark sky will make to views of saturn

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Have a great trip Trickman.

Maks have an undeservedly (in my opinion) bad reputation for dso's but they only really struggle on bigger, more diffuse things like larger galaxies etc. They are great on globular clusters, small open clusters and nebulae, particularly in dark skies so make sure you check those out.


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