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Hands up who's fed up of grey skies


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I've had enough.....

Managed to get my grubby mits on a CaK PST on loan for a couple of days....Guess what... :D Wanted to get the Toucam on it but ..... :D

Never mind I have been doing a lot of "Virtual" Observing with SN Pro 6 and planning for clear weather.

On the bright side I have made some orange and rasberry layered jelly for later :p

And found a bottle of Merlot in the cellar.... :lol:

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Horizontal or vertical layers?

Horizontal Phil....

Here you go!

30 subs at 1/60th ISO 200

10 subs at 1/30th ISO 100 for the core.....(Rasberry layer)... :lol:

I dark frame subtracted (For the Merlot)... 8)

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sorry it might be my fault, i have sorted it with work not to have anymore (or at least many) shifts that mess with astronomy 2am starts and the like, (nearly fell off my scooter last year looking for jupiter in the early hours, getting to the end of the road and did not see there was a burst water main :D )

trouble is it only seems to get clear the night before an early shift :lol:

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This has been one of the greyest and mildest winters. We haven't had many stretches of morethan 12 hours without rain since early November. When I started out in astronomy we often used to get night after night of hard frost from December to early March with hours and hours of clear skies, although admittedly seeing was often a bit wobbly. But at least you could see something. Does global warming mean that we'll get more continuous cloud cover? Let's hope not.

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The thing is, all it takes is a couple of cracking crystal clear nights and it's all worth it...

....It is isn't it... :shock:

Never mind...My other hobby's sat in the garage gathering dust!..... :lol:

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Sorry to have to say Guys, but I was away with some chums at a "Dark Skies Weekend" last Friday-Sunday. On Saturday night we got a full night of crystal clear, dark ... dark ... dark skies. Absolutely fantastic. We were up near Pitlochry (but about 12 miles East of it - so NO LIGHT POLLUTION). Never seen better skies - so dark and so clear. It knocked Kielder into a cocked hat. Never seen so much detail on DSOs - could even see good structure on the Crab nebula. M13 and M42 were awesome. More Messiers observed than I have ever seen before. Lots of shooting stars too. Seemed like heaven - it has taken me several days to come down from cloud nine. On the Sunday morning the whole crowd were wandering around with grins on their faces :lol:

But it is back down to Earth with a bump - clouds over Glasgow and rain forecast for the next week.


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