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M81 from last night.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Got out and set up ready to have a go at NGC1977 the running man, but he hadn't run round from behind the tree yet, so I went North and aimed at M81. This is one of those easy to image and hard to process ones, where the centre is a white blob before the arms show up, so I'm pleased that I managed this.

Atik 16HR + CLS filter in a 200mm f/5 Newt. on a HEQ5 mount guided by a Toucam stuck up a 500mm f/8 camera lens.

Captured in Artemis Capture, guided by K3CCD, stacked and DDPed in Maxim, tweaked and shrunk in Photoshop CS2.

8 subs at 60 seconds unbinned.

Clouds stopped play.


Click to biggerise.

(Now I need to find a way to stop the JPEGing from posterising these things)

Captain Chaos

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Hi CC,

I love that. Really good. Detail all over the place. I think this one is difficult due to the very faint outer stuff versus the bright bright core.

And getting all that detail out of only 8x1min subs unbinned!

Excellent stuff.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Very nice image...I've not been able to image for a few months since I've moved. But, I've peeked at the forum from time to time and have noticed a great improvement in your pics and processing skills... Ole Rog, had better watch out. Lol.

Good job mate...I Hope to rejoin the imaging gang soon.

Doug Neal

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