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Hello all.

Been using this site now for about 2 weeks just looking at some of the great advice people have been getting and decided it was about time i joined up and asked for some advice for myself.

About 2 years ago i got myself a "cheap" scope off Ebay (first mistake) and although i used it quite often (weather permitted) i didn't really take the time to learn about astronomy so it was more of a point it at the skies and hope i come across something. The moon was great to look at and one night i stumbled across Saturn which just blew me away. Unfortunately the mount was a joke and recently just fell to bits so Ive decided its time for an upgrade.

This time round I'm taking it deadly serious though and will take the time to learn the different aspects that I'm interested in to get the most out of this hobby.

Anyway I'm looking forward to your feedback on the many noobish questions ill have and thank you / apologize in advance.

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Hi Marluff and welcome to the forum

There's plenty of different things to learn but it's not difficult - just lots of it! Take your time getting your kit as there is no rush as the stars are going anywhere.

Clear skies


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Hi there, Welcome to the forum :eek:

We're a friendly bunch and you'll find a wealth of info in here - there's always folk around willing to share advice and tips 'n' tricks.

Have a good trawl through whilst thinking about the direction you want to take and the kit you'll need.

SGL's forum search tool and Google are your friends. But if you can't find something, or don't understand, then it's daft not to ask - somebody on here (can't remember who) once said that the only stupid question is the one that you don't ask.


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Welcome Marluff!

I started off pretty much like you with a bad scope but lots of enthusiasm. When I finally got the telescope I wanted it was as if I had been placed on a whole other planet. Well, in a way I was! I wish you many cloudless nights as you nourish this wonderful passion!


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