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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Oh no, that sounds awful. I know it looks nice but I personally prefer to have it under the same time period. Saying that, since Saturn doesn't have additional features/spots but just the rings and banding, why don't we shoot let's say a 10-30min video without derotation and pick the best 1-2%. Would that really impact quality? I don't know the answer but it would be interesting to hear opinions on in. Mars and Jupiter is obvious why.
  2. It's been dreadful weather, hardly any stable seeing even during summer.
  3. I gave up imaging last night and did some DSO observing as transparency was very good.
  4. That's as good as it got for me unfortunately. Let's hope for some stable air.
  5. Jupiter is also suffering from the conditions that we are having at the moment. This is the best I could get last night. 8" Dob, asi462mc, 2.5xTV powermate.
  6. Thanks! That looks nice and tidy! I thought I would have to merge the IR data on the same capture time window (with maybe winjupos) to be more accurate.
  7. Very nice considering the awful conditions recently. Great first light for the camera. I have the same one and it's great. Invest on an IR filter to take advantage of its sensitivity in that wavelength.
  8. Considering the small aperture and awful seeing this image is great.
  9. Thanks. I have done this in the past, but my colour image was absolutely awful last night as if I were completely out of focus.
  10. I have come to the conclusion that with the UK skies I will not improve my colour Saturn images any time soon. I like processing images so I had a go at Saturn last night with the asi462mc and an IR pass filter. I think it has come out quite nice considering a few hours later there was a downpour; Cassini division nearly fully visible. 8" Dob, manual and 2.5x TV powermate. This was processed in Astrosurface as in registax it was getting rather messy.
  11. Nice set of targets that I have not observed before, thanks I will give them a try next time.
  12. That looks great including the details on Ganymede.
  13. Typical UK weather ☁️☁️☁️☁️ on Jupiter's opposition on the 26th. A spell of clear skies allowed me to image it a day later on the 27th. Not the best but good for the record. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5TV powermate. First image is at around 11pm with the GRS still in view (but under awful seeing) and the second is around 12 before the clouds ruined the night. Third is with more colour saturation of the second one; I think i prefer that one.
  14. I had a look at Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter showed some banding and the GRS was coming in and out. Saturn no details whatsoever. I tried some imaging but everything is too soft.
  15. Good for the record and you got some clear skies 😀
  16. There is aPS plugin but you need to pay. You can download and use it with full functionality for free and save images but it adds a logo over the image until you pay for it.
  17. Mars from Sunday morning. Some details are coming through despite the average to bad seeing. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc. 1.5x drizzle
  18. Thanks. I feel with more effort it can give my DSLR a run for its money. This is not the astrophotography mode but night sight. I think it raises the iso and exposure to 1s. The AP mode is 4min long stacks and I get field rotation; I think 1 min per image. On goto or eq platform it should be awesome. You are right that the competition section really shows the capabilities of mobile cameras.
  19. Fantastic capture with the second moon coming into view!
  20. Very nice especially your Saturn.
  21. After my visual observation of Orion (M42) over the weekend (24/9/22), I snapped a few frames for the ongoing mobile competition. I thought I will add it here as well, for the record. 8" Dob, manual, Pixel 4a (using Night Sight; iso 2000, exposure 1s), 32mm Celestron Plossl. Siril for stacking 20 frames and Gimp for editing.
  22. Orion (M42) over the weekend (24/9/22). 8" Dob, manual, Pixel 4a (using Night Sight; iso 2000, exposure 1s), 32mm Celestron Plossl. Siril for stacking 20 frames and Gimp for editing.
  23. Very nice.i is Io next to the shadow? Mars looking good.
  24. Nice session. I have seen it with my 8". Without a filter I could see it with averted vision but with the OIII with direct. If I remembered I used a 8.8 and 14mm EP. It's better to start with lower mag and then up it once you have it. It is like a bloated star. I have seen it not under Ideal conditions so keep trying.
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