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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Thanks and you made me chuckle! I was told they are looking for you but i kept quiet 🤣
  2. Thanks. I like the positive comment about the blurriness 😆.
  3. I had a surprising good seeing at 5am this morning (it started bad at 4) and I think this may be my best Jupiter so far; happy to be told otherwise 😬. 8" Dob, manual, 2.5x TV powermate, asi462mc, UV/IR cut filter. 1.5 drizzle and resized to 80%. I am also attaching the stacked tiff from autostakert if you think you can pull something more out of it. Jupiter_052417_pipp_g5_ap14_Drizzle15.tif
  4. Nice details Neil. It seems you probably had the only non cloudy spot in UK last night 😉.
  5. Very nice work.Your last image seems to have the better details.
  6. Thanks Simon. Yes it has been a struggle but we can only hope for better weather 😬.
  7. Thanks. Seeing is not bad but the wind is a killer.
  8. Jupiter at around 5am with the GRS on nice display. Europa and Io on the right hand side of the planet. 8" Dob manual. asi462mc and 2.5x TV powermate.
  9. Thanks. Quite pleased with this result.
  10. Thanks. It is good being out and trying new ways to process the data.
  11. Very nice image. A lot of nice details.
  12. Excellent report and lots of nice targets.
  13. After I finished shooting ISS this morning I had a go at Mars. I also tried a new processing to remove the ring at the edge; it has worked but reduced some of the sharpness. Thanks @neil phillipsfor your help. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, UV/IR cut filter and 2.5x TV powermate. Registax and Gimp; 1.5x drizzle and further upsizing. First image after Registax and the other after messing with layers in Gimp.
  14. Great report and good to read that you managed the NAN this time. Yes the Veil is an awesome sight, isn't it? You should also try the nearby Crescent with your OIII.
  15. Nice capture and granulation. Likewise, I have not done any solar or lunar close to 9 months now.
  16. It will depend a lot on seeing conditions as well. This morning Mars and Jupiter looked pretty good with nice details. The GRS was showing nicely and quite a bit of banding on/off. I could not go higher than my 6.7mm this morning so it is worth playing with different magnifications. Take your time. The other night I was observing Saturn and the seeing was on/off and Cassini division and planet banding was coming and going within seconds. Other nights both looked as a bright fuzzy mess, like looking through a swimming pool. Keep on trying and hopefully the seeing will be good.
  17. Thanks. Unfortunately the wind was not helping this morning. I hope to have another go later this week. Have you had any luck with your captures? I remember you tried earlier in the summer.
  18. Yes not the best conditions to image especially I could see it vibrating a lot. It seems I had a better capture this morning (I will post it later) although it was still a bit windy.
  19. Very nice captures! I agree with Neil that 1.42 is the best image.
  20. After a month of no visible ISS passes, I had the chance to image it again at 516am this morning. Conditions were ok with gust of winds so not the best of sharpness. ISS is currently docked with Crew-4 and Soyuz MS-21 that are nicely showing in this pass. The sun reflected off the iROSA panels is looking quite nice as well. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, UV/IR cut filter, 2.5x TV powermate. First image nearly overhead and the second during the approach from the W horizon.
  21. I only have an OIII filter and it usually make it pop nicely. The only low magnification eyepiece I have is the ES 24mm 68 degrees (x50 magnification and 1.36 FOV) and the NAN completely fills the FOV; when I started I needed to find the edge and then I could identify it by the contrast with the background. Now I know that the OIII gives me this subtle 'lighter' area so I know I am in the right area. The Gulf of Mexico is a lot easier to spot. Like you said, you need good conditions.
  22. Same capture as my Saturn that I posted earlier. I was hoping the gust of winds may stop so i took captures a few hours apart. The GRS is visible at the 11pm capture and a few hours later it had rotated away; conditions had slightly improved by the later capture and Jupiter was also higher up. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, UR/IR cut filter. Drizzle 1.5x and downsized to 40%.
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