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Everything posted by Kon

  1. One more capture through passing clouds from last night; despite that it is showing some nice details. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate.
  2. I had the chance to image Saturn after the rain we had last night. It is showing some banding. 8' Dob, manual, asi462mc, UV/IR cut filter, 2.5x TV powermate.
  3. Nice capture and processing. Details coming through.
  4. That sounds amazing. If you do go with a 12", I would love to see your captures. I have seen some really nice pics with banding of the 'blueish planets ' with larger telescopes so you should pull them off.
  5. Thanks. Yes very excited for later on.
  6. Thanks Neil. I am excited when it gets larger. I am also getting a better feeling with the processing. I like imaging Uranus somehow despite knowing that I am limited with what I can capture.
  7. Thanks. It is getting better than earlier captures.
  8. A quick session this morning after the thunderstorm. Transparency was excellent but the jet stream did not help; Jupiter did not look good but Mars and Uranus being higher up helped. I am pleased to see the cloud on the N polar cap in this capture as well which gives me more confidence not being a processing artefact the day before. Uranus is also showing some weak features. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, UV/IR cut filter.
  9. Indeed and it is showing nicely in your image. @Stuhave you seen Neil's image? Very likely to be a festoon as you thought.
  10. Thanks. I think I was quite lucky with the conditions yesterday morning. All clouded up since yesterday and for the next few days.
  11. Great image and really nice details.
  12. Thanks, I am very pleased with it.
  13. Thanks. I think it was the best conditions I had this year so it helped a lot.
  14. Thanks. I was very surprised and pleased to have pulled that cloud at the top.
  15. I finally went through my last capture from this morning, Mars. Some nice detail is coming through than previous attempts. There seems to be some clouds on the N polar cap and a hint of ice on the S one. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate.
  16. Thanks. Very pleased to have something decent with my setup. It makes for the several early mornings.
  17. Nice session and report. I can't believe it is already time for Orion reports 🤣... winter will be upon us soon....😪
  18. Yes much clearer here. It seems to be developing over the past few weeks/months as I hadn't noticed it before.
  19. It seems the image I posted earlier was not the best capture of the night as I thought. This is an earlier capture and the colour balance is also better. Same setup as previous post. The 'knot', as @Studescribed it, in the NEB seems to be better defined in this image and it seems to be more likely a festoon; what do you think? @SuburbanMakI think your report is describing that feature as well.
  20. Great report and it seems that you had ideal conditions as well. I regret not taking a look at Jupiter with the eyepiece as I was busy with imaging, it seems it gave a nice show for visuals.
  21. Thanks Neil. Yes I was very pleased and it did not take much wavelets in registax to pull it out. I am coming to the conclusion that unless seeing is good no matter what I do it will not look good. Seeing was awful at the beginning, i have 100gb of captures from earlier, but I seemed to have got that 5 min of good seeing at 5, 2 captures; trying to work my way around winjupos to see if i can combine the two captures.
  22. Thank you. I have noticed it as well between different captures. My resolution has mostly been hindered but it is very obvious here. I would agree that it looks like a festoon but it would be good to have some sharper images from others 😉
  23. We are officially in autumn although it does not feel like it. ISS over UK at 429am this morning. 8" Dob, manual, 2.5x TV powermate, UV/IR cut filter, asi462mc. The colours are changing as it is moving along the morning sky. Seeing was very good and I hardly had to sharpen these images.
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