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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Looks very nice, I would be happy with that 😉
  2. The first image has very nice details, in my eyes excellent. I was surprised how stable the seeing was last night despite the high winds. Yes my captures at certain points were moving backwards and forwards than a nice drifting. Unfortunately I could not get the GRS face on as clouds came through.
  3. No new data or processing but a different way to present my previous images as they were the less noisy of my captures. The first two are polar projections at 2335 UTC. The other two are projections of my full 1.5hr capture; Io can be seen moving along the disc (somehow the shadow gets lost; i need to spend more time with the layers). It will be great to try do this on a 10hr session to capture the full rotation (I have seen some great images online). I hope you enjoy.
  4. Thanks for the explanation. Increasing your saturation has made it a lot more vibrant overall (in a good way).
  5. That looks fantastic. (more of an observation: Io had a nice yellow colour in the high resolution image you posted a couple of days ago, why do you think it's lost here?)
  6. Thanks for the additional tips on the colour noise/saturation; great tip on also focusing on Io shadow alone (I did give me a headache). I definitely want to revisit the capture (once time permits) and see if I can improve the processing. I think the forum discussion and inputs I had a few weeks ago with my other data did help a lot to manage this more softly in the wavelets and it is much nicer; I could push the wavelets/sharpenning and get more details out of this image but it started looking less attractive. I learn quite a lot from all the experts here. I think I am 90% happy with my capture procedure (but I am sure there is room for improvement).
  7. Both my UV/IR cut and IR pass filters are SVbony and the results I am getting on Saturn and Jupiter are pretty good; I initially bought cheap ones as I was not sure I would get much out of my manual dob setup. I think there is an ongoing thread on filters at the moment. If you look my Saturn IR post from a couple of days ago you can see the kind of quality I am getting. I had nice results on Jupiter but I have not done it in a while so I might revisit on the next decent seeing. The ZWO seems to be more stringent on the cutoff whereas the SVbony allows pretty much all IR through. Would that make a difference in quality of the image hard to tell unless tested. 462mc is sensitive from low IR wavelength but it peaks at ~800 but why throw away any signal possible. @neil phillipsmight be able to chip in his thoughts.
  8. Nice capture and lot of nice details. Could you provide a bit more info on the process please? I also have a couple of captures from that night that I would like to see if I can combine. Effectively you are running Winjupos that will introduce the blur. Do you just take a single frame which will be low res and then overlay it/blend it with the winjupos one?
  9. Thanks. I noticed as it is getting bigger, it is easier to process as well. Looking forward to your captures.
  10. Looks more tidy than my colour Saturn this week. I have resolved to IR imaging it for the remaining season. I see you have the same camera as me, so give it a try.
  11. Thanks, it means a lot coming from one of the best imagers here. That looks great. I tried to do the same with removing colour noise and it is a fine balance between going back to pre-saturation colours and keeping some of it (I need to have a play). The second image is that just standard resize or somehting more fancy? I am more than happy to try give you some tips from what I have learned including changes in my capture settings. Looking forward to see what you can produce with a 12". I think that the fairly good seeing with the shadow helped me to get the focus close enough (I use the black disk as primary focus point but I also paid attention to Jupiter's bands).
  12. It seems we all had good skies last night looking at the posted images on Io's transit across Jupiter. I shot at roughly 30min intervals to capture its movement across Jupiter's surface. I think the 2nd image may be my best Jupiter one; as we are having predicted cloudy nights, I want to reprocess these data and report back. It is also the sharpest of the there captures as seeing was the best at that moment. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, UV/IR cut filter. 2230 UTC 2315 UTC 2340 UTC
  13. It could have been better if I had waited until it was higher on my S horizon but I had to be up early for work.
  14. Very nice animation and Io nice and bright.
  15. Mars around 1am this morning; seeing had improved and I managed a capture. Mars is getting larger so let's hope the British weather cooperates. 8" Dob, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. The image has been resized to 150%.
  16. Even with the IR it was boiling but it did bring out some details. My colour one was shambles. Jupiter was a lot better around 11-1.
  17. Great result there, and the shadow in nice display. Lovely details considering the conditions. Seeing became pretty good, on/off, around 11-1230.
  18. Seeing much improved tonight but things still look like boiling. IR is my friend these days. Saturn from tonight. The colour image was absolutely pants. 8" Dob, asi462mc, 2.5TV powermate, IR pass. I am also attaching the stacked file in case any of you want to have a go; the one with file name conv is sharpened in AS!3 (and then into Astrosurface) and seems to give me the best image below. Saturn_222313_pipp_lapl8_ap35_conv.tif Saturn_222313_pipp_lapl8_ap35.tif
  19. We know we are fighting against this awful weather but it is still good to be out. Good effort under the conditions.
  20. Nice captures. You almost got a bullseye 🎯.
  21. Excellent work with the 130p. Thanks for the report and interesting target.
  22. Nice captures and good amount of detail.
  23. Very good points. I will try next time and see if it makes a difference. Stunning images again and these storms are excellently captured.
  24. That's my question, why would you need to derotate Saturn if there are no features to worry to align/smear?
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